National Association of Postal Supervisors

Meeting Minutes - Present thru Jan. 2006

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Meeting Minutes - Present thru Jan. 2006
Field Organizational Changes 2013
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Minutes for November 4, 2014 Meeting

Rosa opened the meeting at Cross Creek Restaurant at 7:30 pm.

Members present were Rosa Soto, Donald Murray, Martin Brown, Kay Woods, Sam Jones, Kenneth Joe, Angie Waddell, Lillian Mason, Joyce Hamilton, and Dawnette Tinsley.

Kay Woods read the minutes from the September 23 meeting.    Sam Jones motioned to approve the minutes as presented and Donald Murray seconded the motion.

Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.   Beginning balance was $32,938.91 and ending balance was $36,577.23.  Sam motioned to accept the report and Angela seconded the motion.

Joyce Hamilton led a discussion concerning hosting State Convention.  Our branch has not hosted a state meeting in over 10 years.  Sam Jones said that Jacksonville is one of the largest branches in the state, and we are talked about negatively at the State level as we do not participate.  Martin suggested we co-host with another branch.  We need members to participate to do this.   Convention is funded by the State; $2000 is initial amount from State budget.  Our monies would come from registration fees. The conventions are already planned until 2018.   A committee would need to visit hotels to get meeting room info, dates available, food info, shuttle from airport, etc.  We would also have to host the hospitality room, registration table, and get favors for gift bags.  We need to start gathering information and present at State Convention in 2015.  Hotels mentioned were the Omni at Amelia Island and Marriott at Ponte Vedra.  Sam will get number of rooms needed.

Sam motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 pm and Rosa seconded the motion.

The next meeting will be in January 29, 2015.  Location to be announced.

Respectfully submitted,

Kay Woods




Minutes for September 23, 2014 Meeting

Rosa opened the meeting at Cross Creek Restaurant at 7:30 pm.

Members present were Rosa Soto, Donald Murray, Martin Brown, Terry Wilson, Kay Woods, Sam Jones, Kenneth Joe, Angie Waddell, Michael Jakob, Lillian Mason, and Robert Widelock.

Kay Woods read the minutes from the May 15 meeting.    Sam Jones motioned to approve the minutes as presented and Terry Wilson seconded the motion.

Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.   Beginning balance was $41,405.33 and ending balance was $32,938.91.  Sam motioned to accept the report and Ken Joe seconded the motion.

Donald Murray gave a report on the State Convention held in Cocoa Beach.  The SEA Vice President spoke on the Amazon Sunday Delivery project.   None of the proposals submitted to the state were accepted by the delegates.   Don indicated that he met Brian Wagner, NAPS Headquarters Secretary-Treasurer.  Bruce mentioned that since Don interacted with Brian that he now has a direct contact with headquarters when there is a problem.  Bruce reported that Bob Quinlan, former Florida State President, was elected to Southeast Area Vice President at the National Convention, which is another important contact.  Sam reported that new State President is Roe Herzog.

At State Convention, Mike Jakob’s son won a scholarship. 

Lillian reported that the Postal Service is going back to Associate Supervisor Program effective October 1, and will consist of 16 weeks of training with four weeks in the classroom.

Sam advised there is a meeting tomorrow at 8:00 am to discuss Amazon Sunday Delivery and how to schedule supervisors. He has received one complaint from a supervisor who has to work every Sunday.  CCA’s and RCA’s deliver on Sunday for Amazon. 

Sam announced the next state training session is the first weekend in October at the Embassy Suites in Lake Mary.  Information is on our website.  We need more current employees to go to


training and represent people.  There are no repercussions just because you represent people.  Ken Joe is going to October training.

Sam motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 pm and Martin seconded the motion.

The next meeting will be in November.  Date/location to be determined.

Respectfully submitted,

Kay Woods





MINUTES FOR May 15, 2014


Rosa opened the meeting at Bella Vita Italian Restaurant at 7:30 pm.


Members present were Rosa Soto, Bruce Kurland, Kay Woods, Martin Brown, Lillian Mason, Donald Murray, Sammie Jones, Kenneth Joe, and Michelle Green.


Sam introduced Jerry McCoy of Dillard Financial Solutions.  Mr McCoy gave a presentation about TSP and retirement.


Sam Jones said to send monies already collected for SPAC ticket sales to Ken Ruckert, State Treasurer.   The tickets are $10 each.  


Bob Quinlan is running for Jerry Sebastian’s job.  Only opponent as of now is Bobby Bock from Central Florida.  State Convention is in June and National Convention is in August.  No state elections this year.


Rosa announced that USPS plans to open contract stations at Staples.  Patrick Donahoe, Postmaster General, says Staples will make money for USPS.  Staples ships via USPS also.


PSE’s hired two years ago are making career.


Naldo Station will be closed June 2014 as this property has been sold.  Half of the city carriers will go to Murray Hill and half will go to South Jax.  Supervisors have already been moved.


Customer Care Center problems:  CCC phone number is on the tracking receipt.  Some stations were having problems with city carriers scanning packages at the station instead of when delivered.  This prompted phone calls from customers because package was showing delivered when package was still with the carrier.  Phone calls to CCC referred to the stations when this happens.


Rural Carriers are safe.  Ninety-nine percent opted out of the count.


Station Managers are being moved in Jacksonville City.


Donald Murray gave update for NDC.



Lillian Mason advised that there were 12 people in latest supervisor class held April 29 – May 8.  Another class starts June 2-13 and 17 supervisors will be in this class. 


Sam motioned to skip reading the Secretary’s Report and Treasurer’s Report.  Donald Murray seconded.


Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Kay Woods





MINUTES FOR March 4, 2014


Bruce Kurland opened the meeting at Cross Creek Restaurant at 7:30 pm.


Members present were Rosa Soto, Bruce Kurland, Kay Woods, Martin Brown, Lillian Mason, Joyce Hamilton, Donald Murray, Sammie Jones, Terry Wilson, Veronica Chesser, Dawnette Tinsley, Michael Jakob, Angie Waddell, and Carl Porter III.


Bruce welcomed guests from the NAPS Executive Board:  Tim Ford, Southern Region VP, Jerry Sebastian, Southeast Area VP, and Bob Quinlan, Florida State President.


Jerry Sebastian thanked everyone for allowing him to come to our meeting.  He’s very disappointed in number of people coming from Florida and Georgia to the Legislative Training Seminar.  Normally have 45-60 people from FL and GA.  As of last Saturday, only 28 people were registered for LTS and GA had 15 of those registrants.  Most important time in his 12 years as SEA VP to be on the hill to make sure we are having our issues met.  Three postal bills in Congress are being considered:  S1486 (draft), HR 2748 (draft), and endorsed bill HR630 which is Postal Protection Act of 1312/Alternate 5316. This concerns your pay check.   LTS is most important this year because Postal Reform will probably pass.  No one from Gulf Atlantic District is attending.  Other NAPS members in Florida, who are not their constituents, will visit our congressional representatives.  Someone from Gulf Atlantic should be attending LTS. 

Money talks but face to face conversations are a lasting impression.


Jerry announced this is his last year as SEA VP.  Bob Quinlan will be running for his position.  Jerry thanked everyone for their support for last 12 years.


Tim Ford is Southern Region VP, his region covers 9 states, and he addressed the following topics:


·         The bills being considered in Congress not only cover your salary but impact health care, retirement, 5-day delivery, and money to buy new vehicles.  It is vitally important to get that message to your congressmen.  If you cannot go to Washington, visit them at their local offices.  You should also go to the NAPS website where there are letters available to send to your congressmen.  


·         NAPS at headquarters level is working with the OIG to determine if people are working for “free.”  Everyone should be getting paid for “T” time. 


·         USPS is still looking at closing plants; they plan to run the entire country with 28 plants.  If you have a plant in Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico, that leaves 25 plants for the other 48 states.  At this time, that plan has been put on hold.


·         After the RIF ends April 18, 5,000 EAS vacancies will be posted.  Nothing prevents you from requesting lateral transfer anytime/anywhere.  eCareer must be up-to-date. 


·         Tim advised everyone to learn your job and do the job.   It is very important that you know the rules in ELM-650. 


·         He appreciates the work that the core group of Branch 93 has done to keep this branch going.  He also thanked Bob, Jerry & Sam for all their work.


Bob Quinlan briefed us on the State Convention being held June 19-20 in Cocoa Beach.  JoAnn Feindt will address the convention.  All district managers in Florida have been invited.  These individuals will be taking questions from 1:00 – 2:00 on Friday afternoon about any concerns you may have.  The next Training Seminar will be in October at Altamonte Springs.  Hotel is $106 per night. 


Bruce gave an example how Jerry, Bob, Tim and Sam helped with a recent case and went straight to headquarters with the problem and got it resolved.


Joyce Hamilton motioned that we give Bob a $200 contribution for his campaign.  Donald Murray seconded.  Motion discussed and passed.


Bruce made a motion that we do not read the Treasurer’s Report tonight.  The motion was seconded by Don Murray and the motion carried.


Bruce reminded everyone that the minutes are always posted on the website.  Sam made a motion to accept the minutes as posted; Joyce seconded and motion carried.


The 50/50 drawing for SPAC was won by Rosa Soto.  Total collected was $80.


Door prize winners:  Sam, Kay, Terry, Bob, Lillian, Veronica, Dawnette, Bruce, Martin, and Jerry.


Next meeting will be May 15, 2014.  Location to be announced.


Bruce motioned to adjourn the meeting; Martin seconded.


Meeting adjourned at 8:35.


Respectfully submitted,

Kay Woods





MINUTES FOR January 23, 2014


Rosa opened the meeting at Cross Creek Restaurant at 7:30 pm.


Members present were Rosa Soto, Bruce Kurland, Kay Woods, Lillian Mason, Joyce Hamilton, Donald Murray, Bill Randall, Joyce Randall, Sammie Jones, Willie Williams, Terry Wilson, Charles Richardson, Michelle Green, and Kenneth Joe.


Kay Woods read the November meeting minutes.  Sam motioned to accept the minutes; Joyce Randall seconded.


Bruce gave an update on these topics:


·         EAS Supervisors do not get breaks when their employees go on break.  No official breaks for supervisors.  You are only off the clock for lunch.


·         New directive just released announced 1% salary increase effective Saturday, January 25, 2014. Pay for Performance ratings will apply for 2014 salary determinations. 


·         Suspension of Employee Awards has been lifted. 


Sam Jones announced that the next 650 training session will be held February 8, 2014.  Bill Randall will attend if his work schedule allows.


Donald Murray attended the October training session.  It wasn’t what he expected.  Attendees had been there before and a lot of station topics were covered.  He feels they need more hands-on 650 training and how to handle a situation in representing supervisors.  Rosa asked Lillian to have Donald observe a fact finding.  Bruce advised that your responsibility in a fact finding is to be there to observe and take notes on all questions and answers.  Nothing you can do until an action is issued to the supervisor.  Donald talked about a current case he has, and Bruce advised him to call him if case escalates.  In addition, Sam provided a phone number to call to request the book of rules for NAPS 650 training.


Discussion on RIF followed. 


The 50/50 drawing for SPAC was won by Sammie Jones.  Total collected was $75.


Door prize winners:  Rosa, Charlie, Kay, Bruce, Joyce Randall, Joyce Hamilton, Lillian, Sammie, Bill, and Michelle.


Next meeting will be March 4, 2014.


Sam motioned to adjourn the meeting; Kay seconded.


Meeting adjourned at 8:10.


Respectfully submitted,

Kay Woods





MINUTES FOR November 19, 2013


Rosa opened the meeting at Bella Vita Restaurant at 7:30 pm.


Members present were Rosa Soto, Bruce Kurland, Martin Brown, Kay Woods, Lillian Mason, Joyce Hamilton, Donald Murray, Bill Randall, Joyce Randall, Sammie Jones, Silvia Bowery, Donnette Robinson-McClain, and Willie Williams.


Bruce introduced guest Paul Birge, Area Manager in Customer Service, who provided an update on events in Customer Service.


·         Gained 19,000 hrs in MPOO 0 budget for city delivery.  Performance indicators on the customer service side were used to spread budget. 


·         F4 budget for Jacksonville and Associate Offices took 34,000 hour hit, but we are under F4 Plan as of now.  We are making F4 budget; we have continued to adjust our jobs to meet the needs of our units.


·         Still struggling with F2B – LDC 25 is largest line item in budget – 30% of whole district budget is for rural carriers.  Rural carriers drive budget right now.  Getting ready for Christmas season now.  Starting Dec 7 through 27, rural carriers get paid for actual work hours.  Budget is attainable this year.  Only 1/3 of his offices are not making budget.


·         State of USPS – We continue to lose billions of first class letters, billions of flats and periodicals, BUT there is an increase in parcels & volume at NDC.  USPS is studying new vehicles that will be more accommodating and larger.  USPS just committed to do Sunday parcel delivery in New Orleans, New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago or Detroit.  Driver of that is  USPS signed huge commitment with  They are building fulfillment centers in those locations and using them as test sites for future expansion.’s largest competitor is Wal Mart.  Amazon wants you to be able to buy something on the internet at night and come home the next day and have your package.  That is their strategy.  Rural carrier contract was modified so we do not pay a Sunday premium and will use RCA’s to deliver the parcels on Sunday.  This contract will drive a lot of revenue to us. 


·         eBay representative came to Westland Post Office this past week and gave two hour class on running an eBay store.  This didn’t cost anything to USPS.  We provided the place and did circulation mailing for the area for those who have eBay businesses or thinking about it.  The eBay rep talked about USPS products and how well we do and why Paypal gives us as a primary option. 


·         Parcel business will continue to grow.  We now have real time scanning.  Carriers carry cell phones now.  Before they leave the office, they take the cell phone and the scanner they use and link the two.  Every 15 minutes on the street, that cell phone transmits to the internet and uploads to a data base and then to our postal tracking system database.  Amazon will take that info and send email telling customer that package has now arrived.  This real time scanning will help us compete with FEDEX and UPS who have been offering that for awhile. 


·         Delivery supervisors on the floor are working with prototype with an iPad.  Instead of having a computer where they do their reports, they are testing iPads to use on floor. 


·         Last FY actually saw a positive trend in revenue.  We attribute that to increase in rates and parcels.  Until we get Legislation, though, the USPS will struggle.


·         USPS is pushing self service kiosks.  About a year ago, USPS took stamps out of kiosks and only provided the printed stamps thru the kiosks, but they saw a dramatic decline in number of stamp sales through the machines so now we are in process of putting stamps back in the machines.  Customers will have option to use printed stamps or booklets.


·         Can’t stress enough the integrity of the data.  Stresses honesty to his people.  Do not change clock rings or alter volume reporting.  If offices do not enter data properly, can’t allocate hours or budget properly.  You do not get fired for the situation, but do get fired for falsification.   He would much rather have someone call him with a problem than making it go away.   


·         Service standards - BOG still considering.


Rosa thanked Mr Birge for attending.


Sam motioned to forego the secretary and treasurer reports.  Martin seconded.


Bruce announced the events happening in NAPS:


·         Southeast Area Training session is February 8 in Lake Buena Vista.  Bill Randall will attend.  This session trains attendees to represent members.


·         Legislative Training is March 9 – 12, 2014, in Washington DC.  Hotel room is $229 per night.  You will attend training sessions as to how to speak to your representatives and senators and then go to the Congressional Offices to speak with them.


·         Florida State Convention is June 19 – 22, 2014, at the Cocoa Beach Hilton. 


·         National Convention is August 24-29, 2014, in San Diego.


·         Those coming to the meetings are eligible to attend.


Discussion followed on lack of attendance at meetings. 


Sam Jones installed the officers for Branch 93.


The 50/50 drawing for SPAC was won by Ronnie Woods.  Total collected was $60.


Door prize winners:  Martin, Joyce Randall, Willie Williams, Bill Randall, Don Murray, Paul Birge, Kay, Lillian, Sammie, Rosa, and Bruce.


Next meeting will be in January 2014.


Martin motioned to adjourn the meeting; Sam seconded.


Meeting adjourned at 8:20.


Respectfully submitted,

Kay Woods

Kay Woods





MINUTES FOR October 10, 2013


Rosa opened the meeting at Cross Creek Restaurant at 7:30 pm.


Members present were Rosa Soto, Bruce Kurland, Martin Brown, Kay Woods, Lillian Mason, Joyce Hamilton, Donald Murray, Bill Rizzo, Robin Lang, and Terry Wilson.


Martin gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning balance was $31,538.41 and ending balance was $33,489.45.  Robin motioned to accept the report; Joyce seconded.


Bruce shared info he received from Jerry Sebastian, Southeast Area VP, about agenda items NAPS is taking to the USPS.


·         Scheduling exempt EAS employees excessively on scheduled & non-scheduled days.  NAPS asking USPS to take further steps to inform the field that it is not appropriate and violates the letter issued by Megan Brennan.


·         FY 2013 PFP Program provided no payout for EAS field employees.  Many EAS employees did not receive goals and objectives for FY 2013 and simply entered accomplishments in a self-evaluation process at the mid-year and are expected to do the same thing at end of year.  NAPS asking that all field EAS employees are given a PFP adjective rating of “Contributor.”


·         Will management be conducting one-on-one meetings at the start of FY 2014 with mid-year and end of year meetings with immediate managers to discuss performance achievements?


·         Call Centers have been established to support and enhance Customer Service.  Our members have reported an increase in customer calls received in delivery offices because the customers were advised by the USPS Call Centers to call the delivery unit.   NAPS would like an updated briefing on the Call Centers as to how they are handling customer inquiries and what the protocol is for referring customer calls to local offices.


·         NAPS is requesting an update on the current rule relative to time limits an EAS employee may serve on a higher level assignment in an authorized vacant position.  Is the 120-day rule for details to vacant positions still in force or is there a moratorium on this rule?


·         What are current rules as they pertain to EAS employees requesting a downgrade to a craft position if they are unable to obtain another EAS position during the current RIF?  Will the EAS employees who request craft positions during RIF avoidance be placed in career full-time positions?


·         Bruce shared a copy of a letter from USPS to NAPS regarding the September 10, 2013, letter in which NAPS expressed concerns about the July 1, 2011, suspension of non-bargaining employees recognition.  This policy has not been modified since it was issued in July 2011.  Response from Doug Tulino, VP Labor Relations, says USPS is continuing to experience severe financial difficulties.   Maintaining the policy at this time is directly related to the USPS financial challenges.  He also states that this does not suggest a lack of appreciation for the excellent work our employees perform on a daily basis.


Lillian, Elections Chairperson, conducted the election process.  Elected were Rosa Soto, President; Bruce Kurland, Vice-President; Donald Murray, Co-VP NDC; Kay Woods, Secretary; and Martin Brown, Treasurer. 


Martin advised that we need to change the by-laws.  Changes have been made but have not been updated due to change in personnel.


Robin suggested we have a local newsletter or membership drive.  Members discussed having a workshop to educate members on how to protect themselves.   Robin also told us about the quarterly Leadership Meeting recently held.  Each department shared where they were for the year.  This is a quarterly meeting with leadership, union representatives, and management associations. Only NAPS member present was Kelly Laning.  Robin & Lillian will ask why Branch 93 did not receive an invitation.   


Robin also shared that the District Manager is targeting EAS 17-22 for developmental opportunities. There is currently no developmental pool for EAS-17-19.  The District Manager, HR Manager, and Sr Plant Manager are going to 3-digit areas to talk about personal development, eCareer, and to share their careers and how they advanced in the USPS.   The first area was Macon. 


Lillian was appointed as Sergeant of Arms, and Joyce was appointed as Legislative Representative.


The 50/50 drawing for SPAC was won by Donald Murray.  Total collected was $60.


Door prize winners:  Joyce, Lillian, Donald, Rosa, Bruce, Kay, Robin, Terry, Martin, and Bill.


Next meeting will be November 19, 2013.  Location to be announced.


Martin motioned to adjourn the meeting; Terry seconded the motion.


Meeting adjourned at 8:20.


Respectfully submitted,

Kay Woods

Kay Woods





MINUTES FOR September 12, 2013


Bruce opened the meeting at Bella Vita Restaurant 7:30 pm.

Members present were Rosa Soto, Bruce Kurland, Martin Brown, Kay Woods, Lillian Mason, Joyce Hamilton, Sam Jones, Ben Strawn, Donald Murray, Kenneth Gross, Bill Rizzo, Robin Lang, Terry Wilson, Joyce Randall, Bill Randall, Diane MacKay, and David Grossman.

Robin Lang gave a report on the Communication Ambassador Program.  Mr Miller adopted the idea and started with Jacksonville.  The objective of this program is to open lines of communication and include employees talking to employees and sharing factual information.  It creates a workforce environment that is positive.  First training session was held on September 11, 2013, with 16 employees.  The Program includes all crafts.  The Ambassador will pull a stand-up talk each week that contains info coming from various sources.  He/she will not read the stand-up talk.  Each ambassador will take stand-up talk, break it down into most important parts, give stand-up talk, and then post it within their office on specific Communication Ambassador bulletin board.  The Ambassador will have one-on-one talks to ask for feedback or answer questions.  The Ambassador will certify that she has done the stand-up talk and posting.  Sylvia Morris talked at first session and discussed Miller’s Memo in which the District Manager talks about what is happening throughout the district and is sent once per week.  Sixteen SSA’s attended the first session and only two had seen Miller’s Memo.   This should be printed and shared with employees so employees can know what’s happening in our organization.  Another Communication Ambassador training session is next week.  

Sam motioned to bypass the Secretary’s report and present at next meeting.

Treasurer’s Report given by Martin Brown which covers April, May, June, July and August.  Beginning balance was $33,073.64 with an ending balance of $31,438.41.  Dues for FL State have gone up to $11 per member; twice per year.  Sam motioned to accept the Treasurer’s Report and Joyce Hamilton seconded the motion.

Bruce reported on several new events in the USPS:

·         New VERA started September 9, 2013. 

·         NDC level has stayed the same. 

·         MIPS positions that were EAS- 24 are now EAS-25.  Same amount of MIPS employees will remain at In-Plant Support.  

·         New standardized staffing complement is in effect for Transportation Network Managers.  It is based on craft complement; ratio of 1 to 19. 

·         Network Specialists, EAS-17, based on workload criteria.  Jerry Sebastian has been in contact with Sylvia Morris, HR Manager, who is contacting Area, trying to do something about the Network Specialist positions because of computations they were using.  Sylvia Morris has guaranteed that everyone affected will have a job.

·         In the Plant and NDC, there must be a MDO on each tour with breakdown depending on size of plant/craft employees.  NDC is Level 2 and can have two EAS-20’s and 3 EAS-22’s if you get 5 MDO’s. 

·         Manager, Maintenance, will be tied to number of craft employees which means the Manager, Maintenance at the Plant will drop one level.  

·         Plant moved to Level 1, formerly Level 2. 

·         Jobs eliminated:   EAS Operations Engineer, EAS-22;  Manager IP, EAS-19;  Operation Support Specialist,  EAS 18 & 15.

·         Same amount of EAS-17’s. 

·         Plant can now have five EAS-17 OSS and cannot have 2 EAS-20 level OSS’s.

·         Manager, Transportation,  going up to EAS 23 from 21. 

·         TACS is going to Eagan so jobs will be abolished.  Phase 1 on October 22, Phase 2 on December 3 and final on January 2. 2014.  On March 31, TACS is gone.  TACS employees have received letters.

·         For EAS employees affected, veterans may bump during RIF process within same Finance Number.  PFP links additional years to your RIF avoidance.   You should have entered your narrative paragraph, even though there is no raise.  Manager can give you a rating.   Someone questioned about how someone is selected for RIF.  This depends on position you are in.  You can go into your eOPF and the 1st page will show your date. 

Sam talked about membership and how our numbers are decreasing.  Our Branch needs to think about raising dues.  The dues for Branch 93 members have been $7.50 for almost 40 years.  Branch 93 has the cheapest dues in State of Florida.  During last State convention, State of FL had to raise dues because of a loss of 18% of members.

Sam also relayed that Jerry and Tim will not be running for reelection.  Bob Quinlan, current FL State President, will be running for Jerry’s job.  Since this is the middle of our state officers’ terms, Senior VP (Sam) would be President if this happens and if he accepts. 

NAPS has gone to HDQTRS but USPS can do what they want.  NAPS will continue to fight for your rights.   NAPS has asked USPS Headquarters for a raise for EAS employees.  Crafts are receiving raises.

Sam hears complaints about people receiving representation; we currently have 4 people.  We need others in our Branch to go to training to do this.  Two employees will be attending training on October 12 and next training session is February 2014.  Current reps are Lillian, Bruce, Sam and Rosa. 

Martin announced that we are having Branch election of officers in November.  Lillian is nomination committee chair.

Terry Wilson’s granddaughter submitted application for NAPS scholarship and was only person in Florida that received a scholarship.  He thanked everyone.

Ben Lang shared that his son who is a senior at Paxon received letter of assurance unanimously to West Point.

The 50/50 drawing for SPAC was won by Joyce Hamilton.  Total collected was $85.

Door prize winners:  Don Murray, Joyce Randall, Ben Strawn, Martin Brown, Terry Wilson, Diane McKay, Lillian, David Grossman, Bill Rizzo, Kay, Rosa, Ida Sturgill, Sam, Robin Lang, Ken Gross. 

Sam motioned to adjourn the meeting; Joyce Hamilton seconded the motion.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25.

Respectfully submitted,

Kay Woods





MINUTES FOR May 1, 2013


Bruce opened the meeting at Cross Creek Restaurant 7:30 pm.

Members present were Rosa Soto, Angie Waddell, Claudia Tremble, Willie Williams, Dawnette Tinsley, Gus Klumpp, Valerie Hayes, Lillian Mason, Bruce Kurland, Sam Jones, Martin Brown, Kay Woods, Donald Murray, and Terry Wilson.

Sam introduced our guests – Bob Quinlan, NAPS Florida President, and Jerry Sebastian, NAPS Southeast Area Vice President.

Jerry spoke about several topics of interest:

·         Need to educate our congressmen about the Postal Service since a lot are new.  We need to make sure they know we are not going away until our bills get consideration.  Call your congressmen often.  Very important to follow-up with local congressmen.  Tell them about Postal reform.

·         There may be new RIF.  PMG has indicated USPS needs another 128,000 reduction in employees within 2 years.    USPS currently has 400,000 employees. 

·         Five-day delivery should be a last resort.  Both bills being considered have 6-day delivery.  USPS needs to right size plants and consolidate.

·         EAS will not take a pay cut. 

·         New PASS system machine takes away scheme person.  Each machine costs $25,000.  

·         Six EAS-14 mail flow controller jobs at NDC are going back to craft.  

·         In the plants, there have been instances of lead clerks running machines in place of supervisor.  Jerry talked to Jacksonville Postmaster about this and Sylvia Morris is supposed to set up meeting.

Bob thanked us for inviting him and relayed the following information:

·         USPS may offer incentive to Mail Flow Controllers to retire. 

·         Bi-State Convention will be held June 8-9 at Savannah Marriott.  Make sure to make reservations for bi-state convention ASAP.  May 8 is deadline.

·         Bob cautioned everyone NOT TO change clock rings in TACS – you will be caught.  Scanners on boxes are checked.   

·         National Elections will be held next year at National Convention in San Diego.  Louie is running for President again; Jay Killackey is running against him. 

·         For Florida elections at bi-state convention, AJ Arborn is not running again for Secretary-Treasurer; Kenny Ruckert is running for his position.

·         Bob reminded everyone to sell yellow tickets for SPAC.

·         If you want to visit a Congressman’s function, you can attend and NAPS will pay for it.  Call headquarters and ask for money. 

The 50/50 drawing for SPAC was won by Jerry Sebastian.  Total collected was $81.  Jerry gave all to SPAC.

The next meeting will be in September.  Date/location to be determined.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20.

Respectfully submitted,

Kay Woods





MINUTES FOR March 14, 2013



Members present: Martin Brown, Lance Cable, Joyce Hamilton, Sam Jones, Bruce Kurland, Lillian Mason, Joyce Randall, Bill Randall, William Rizzo, Claudia Tremble, and Kay Woods.

Bruce convened the meeting in Rosa’s absence at Tilted Kilt Pub & Eatery 7:35 pm.

Secretary Report:  Kay read the minutes from the January meeting.  Sam motioned to accept the minutes; Martin seconded the motion.

Treasurer’s Report:  Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning balance was $30,444.68 and ending balance was $29,668.71.  Sam motioned to accept the report; Joyce Randall seconded the motion.  We still have an outstanding transfer from the NDC Branch that merged with our branch.  If you are interested in attending the bi-state convention in Savannah GA, please let Martin know by May 10 as registration deadline is May 17, 2013.

District 1 Vice President Report:  Bob Quinlan advised Sam that he wanted to attend the meeting but already had plans to be in South Florida.  NAPS membership has gone down.  Branch 93’s membership was 238 in fall 2012 and currently our number is 236, so our branch is not as bad as others. He urged attendees to encourage co-workers to attend the meetings.

The FL/GA Convention is June 6-8 in Savannah GA at the Savannah Marriott Hotel.  Theme is Pirates on the Riverboat Queen.  Room rates are $132 per night for a single or double room through May 8.  Hotel’s phone number is 800-285-0398; be sure to give them the code: GA/FL NAPS Bi-State.  $175 is registration fee by May 17; $195 is the late registration fee.  After May 27, it is $205 and cash only.   If you are taking guests, the Friday night banquet is $60 and Saturday night is $65.  Golf tournament will be June 5 at 8:00am at South Bridge Golf Club in Savannah.  Info is on Florida NAPS website.

There has been lots of discipline.  Changes are taking place for mail processing.  Tallahassee is having problems.  Representative Issa is pushing hard for 5-day delivery.  Sam will be representing North Florida when he attends the Legislative Training Seminar April 7-10, where NAPS will be lobbying Congress for the Postal Service.  Let Sam know if you have any issues to present at LTS to Congressional members.

President’s Report:  NAPS received an inquiry regarding the requirement to complete an Individual Development Plan, Form 8179C.  We have been advised by board members to hold off completing this form until NAPS Headquarters gets a better briefing from USPS Headquarters.  The form is problematic.  Many impacted employees have received job offers but the Postal Service has not processed Form 50’s for those that have been placed.  If offered position, must take job if impacted.  Everyone that was impacted has been offered a position.  Some employees are retiring.  Five-day delivery should be last resort per NAPS National President Louis Atkins.  NAPS does not support 5-day delivery.  Congress must address pre-funding of health benefits for retirees before considering 5-day delivery.   Jerry Sebastian has been taking a lot of calls from the field about retreat rights for those that are in the plants due to the fact they were on tour two that was done away with and they are now bringing back a tour two. There are NO RETREAT RIGHTS for EAS. They have to put in for the job/jobs..  Bruce has not had any calls to represent employees for the past month but Lillian has.

The 50/50 drawing for SPAC was won by Lillian Mason.  $55 total was collected.

Door prizes won by Joyce Hamilton, Lillian, Joyce Randall, Martin, Sam, Lance, and Claudia. 

The next meeting will be May 2013.  Date/location TBA.

Martin motioned to adjourn the meeting; Sam seconded the motion.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:05pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kay Woods

Kay Woods





MINUTES FOR January 24, 2013



Members present: Lillian Mason, Bruce Kurland, Sam Jones, Martin Brown, Ron Wheeler, Kay Woods, Donald Murray, Michael Jakob, and Terry Wilson.

Bruce convened the meeting in Rosa’s absence at Cross Creek Restaurant 7:30 pm.

Secretary Report:  Kay read the minutes from the November meeting.  Sam motioned to accept the minutes; Terry seconded the motion.

Treasurer’s Report:  Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning balance was $27,643.00 and ending balance was $27,505.68.  Sam motioned to accept the report; Terry seconded the motion.  We still have an outstanding transfer from the NDC Branch that merged with our branch.

President’s Report:  Bruce represented supervisors three days this week.   He cautioned members to be sure to use government cars for government business only.  Gainesville mail processing has been closed and mail is being processed in Jacksonville.  Savannah mail will be transferred in February.  EAS numbers going down.  Posting of EAS jobs continue until RIF effective date of March 8, 2013.  USPS is posting NDC vacancies based on need to place impacted EAS with the number and type of vacancies necessary and match as much as possible those impacted in NDC.  NDC has 17 vacancies.  There were 3,092 EAS employees impacted when RIF Avoidance started in August 2012.  General RIF Notices mailed November 6, 2012, to 1,964 impacted EAS employees.  USPS mailed specific RIF separation notices on January 2, 2013.  Since August 12, USPS has reduced number of impacted employees by 85%.  All veterans placed in Southern Area. 

NAPS has been contacted by retirees about USPS doing debt collection from retirees without giving them their rights.  Any future debt collections will include their rights.

District 1 Vice President Report:  Sam announced that the FL-GA Convention will be held June 6-8 at the Savannah Marriott Riverfront Hotel.  Room rate is $132 per night.  Additional information is available on our website.  Sam also has raffle tickets and needs volunteers to sell the tickets.  Each branch gets one ticket for each member.  Tickets cost $10 each.  $2500 is first prize, $1500 second prize, and $1000 third prize.

State Training will be held on March 9 at the Embassy Suites in Kissimme.  If interested in attending, let Martin Brown know.

The 50/50 drawing for SPAC was won by Donald Murray.  $50 total was collected.

The next meeting will be March 14, 2013.  Location TBA.

Martin motioned to adjourn the meeting; Sam seconded the motion.  Meeting was adjourned at 7:55.


Respectfully submitted,

Kay Woods

Kay Woods



MINUTES FOR November 15, 2012


Members Present:     Rosa Soto, Bruce Kurland, Sam Jones, Martin Brown, Kay Woods, Joyce Hamilton, Lillian Mason,  Joyce Randall, Bill Randall, Donald Murray, Ron Wheeler, Charles Richardson, Ron Sturgill, Angie Waddell, Andra Bridges, and Stan Smith.

Rosa convened the meeting at 7:30 pm at Sneakers Sports Grill.


Sam introduced Jerry McCoy from Dillard Financial Solutions.  They have been featured in Forbes Magazine twice in the last 14 months.  Some of the services they provide are Federal Employee Benefits Analysis, how to reduce taxes on TSP, how to save money on Group Life Insurance, how to retire with no worries about the IRA income dropping, and many others.  Mr McCoy advised attendees that we need to control our money, not the government.  Mr McCoy’s email address is  Their website is


Kay Woods read the minutes for the September meeting.  Sam motioned to accept the minutes; Joyce Hamilton seconded the motion.


Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Sam motioned to accept the report; Don Murray seconded.


 Topics discussed during the meeting:


·         RIF – most have received RIF notices.  ELM explains the RIF process.  Part of the ranking is your rating during last four Performance Evaluation System ratings.  Sample summaries for Customer Service and P&D are included on the NAPS Jacksonville website (  Be sure to complete your profile in eCareer.  This must be done by end of November. 


·         Changes in sick leave balance in FERS – 50 percent is now used in calculations toward retirement, but 100 percent will be used in 2014. 


·         New EAS employees will not earn annual and sick leave at the same rate as current employees.


Rosa announced that Bruce is Acting VP until further notice.  Rosa will be detailed to route inspections January – March so please contact Bruce, Sam or Martin if you need NAPS.


50/50 drawing for SPAC was won by Don Murray.  $80 total was collected. 


Door prize winners:  Ronnie Woods, Don Murray, Joyce Hamilton, Martin, Stan Smith, Joyce Randall, Angie Waddell, Ron Sturgill, Rosa, and Sam.


Next meeting will be in January 2013.  Date/location TBA. 


Sam motioned to adjourn the meeting; Kay seconded.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:00.


Respectfully submitted,


Kay Woods



MINUTES FOR September 20, 2012


Members Present:     Rosa Soto, Bruce Kurland, Sam Jones, Martin Brown, Kay Woods, Joyce Hamilton, Terry Wilson, Lillian Mason, Bill Benfield, Angie Waddell, Joyce Randall, Bill Randall, Donald Murray, Ken Gross, Mark Hayes, Ron Wheeler, Carlos Maysonet, Eddie Martinson, Danny Jowers, and Randall Castillo.

Rosa convened the meeting at 7:30 pm at Cross Creek Restaurant..


Kay introduced Brandon Wilcox from Talons Benefits Service/AmeriLife.  They provide pre-retirement and retirement services in insurance and financial needs.  They also help you protect your TSP monies.  Their office in Jacksonville is at the corner of Baymeadows Rd and Philips Hwy.  Local phone number is 904-332-0716.


Kay Woods read the minutes for the September meeting.  Sam motioned to accept the minutes; Randall seconded the motion.


Topics discussed during the meeting:


·         National Convention:  PMG Donahoe, Deputy PMG Ron Stroman, and Tony Vegliante, Chief Human Resources Officer, were among the speakers at the convention.  There will be a Postal Service in the future, just different.


·         Rosa gave update on rural counts.  Projection is that $100 million will be saved.


·         Legislative:  Update on the status of the Issa Proposal which contains a proposal for 5-day delivery and prohibits inclusion of no-layoff provision. It may roll to next session of Congress.  Senate passed Postal Reform bill in April, but no further action has been taken.


·         Discussion on various changes occurring in USPS including:  Reassignments, PM levels, Postal Reform, AMS jobs, NDC, re-evaluation of 120 plants, and supervisor workload service credits.  Many downgrades and LOW in lieu of 7/14 day suspensions are happening.  One supervisor refused his settlement offer and took 30 days on the street.  Another supervisor has been downgraded to PTF Mail Handler.


·         Use of government cars:  You cannot go to a club in government car; can only go to restaurant to eat and then back to hotel.  Do not put anyone except government employees in government car.


50/50 drawing for SPAC was won by Joyce Hamilton.  $85 total was collected. 


Door prize winners:  Don Murray, Ron, Bill Benfield, Martin, Randall, Bill Rizzo, Rosa, Eddie Martinson, Joyce Randall, and Kay.


 Next meeting will be November 15, 2012. 


Sam motioned to adjourn the meeting; Randall seconded.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:30.


Respectfully submitted,


Kay Woods



MINUTES FOR May 30, 2012


Members Present:     Rosa Soto, Bruce Kurland, Sam Jones, Martin Brown, Ben Strawn, William Rizzo, Kay Woods, Joyce Hamilton, Ronald Sturgill, Terry Wilson, Jacqueline Slatter, Lance Cable, and Lillian Mason.

Rosa convened the meeting at 7:20 pm at Sneakers Sports Grill.


Kay Woods read the minutes for the March meeting.  Sam motioned to accept the minutes; Joyce Hamilton seconded the motion.


Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning balance was $28,796.36 and ending balance was $31,122.18 as of May 30, 2012.  Sam Jones motioned to accept the report and Terry Wilson seconded the motion.


Topics discussed during the meeting:


§  Rosa is working with  route inspections in GA; eleven members of 20 inspectors on the team are PM’s who have lost their jobs.


§  There will be no buyouts for EAS supervisors; in fact, may increase EAS supervisors.  Situation for supervisors is not as extreme as previously predicted.


§  PM’s have been offered incentive to retire.


§  There are lead clerks in post offices where PM’s hours have been reduced.


§  Letter volume has dropped over 10M letters at the plant.


§  USPS is considering reduction of annual and sick leave hours earned.


§  Rosa thanked Lillian, Sam, and Bruce for their representation of employees in her absence.


§  Sam gave update on current legislative bills.


50/50 drawing for SPAC was won by Rosa.  $80 total was collected. 


Door prize winners:  Kay, Rosa, Lance, Ron, Bill Rizzo, Jacqueline, Terry, Martin, Bruce, Sam, Lillian, and Ben.


 Next meeting will be in September 2012.  Date and location TBA.


Sam motioned to adjourn the meeting; Lillian seconded.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:05.


Respectfully submitted,


Kay Woods



MINUTES FOR March 27, 2012


Members Present:     Rosa Soto, Bruce Kurland, Sam Jones, Martin Brown, Ben Strawn, William Rizzo, Kay Woods, William Randall, Joyce Randall, Randall Castillo,  Joyce Hamilton, Bill Benfield, Angie Waddell, Ronald Sturgill, Michael Jakob, Kenneth Gross, Dawnette Tinsley, Carl Porter III, Terry Wilson, Paul Buquet, and Lillian Mason.

Rosa convened the meeting at 7:20 pm at Cross Creek Restaurant.


Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning balance was $28,238.98 and ending balance was $28,719.36 as of March 26, 2012.  Sam Jones motioned to accept the report and Joyce Hamilton seconded the motion.


Rosa introduced Sam Jones who gave a report on the Legislative Seminar he attended in Washington DC.   PMG Patrick Donahoe was made aware of the treatment supervisors and managers are receiving in the field; many are being downgraded or removed.  He said he would talk to the VP’s.     The Postal bill that was supposed to go to Congress today was postponed.  NAPS supports S1789 but believes it should be strengthened.  NAPS wants to preserve 1-3 day delivery and believes that mail processing should be right sized but still preserve overnight delivery.  The bill contains a provision to reduce USPS’ payment for pre-funded retirement pension and overpayment should be returned to USPS.  Some of this refund could be used for retirement incentives.  NAPS opposes HR2309 as it will destroy the USPS’s most important service which is 6-day service.  Sam reminded attendees that if you are told to do something you shouldn’t be doing, tell manager to put it in writing.


Bruce advised that because the USPS froze pay and did not award PFP payouts, NAPS members should send their immediate managers an email about the fact that they did not receive PFP as determined with the adjective rating.  This ensures that you are on record making an appeal.  Fact-finding is continuing, and employees may get PFP increases.


Bruce relayed that Service Standard changes were planned to start by May 19; however, there are many changes involved to make it possible.  Modified S1789 returns surplus monies paid for pre-funding retirement pension to provide retirement incentives.    Postal bill is on hold as Congress had to deal with oil crisis bill.


Rosa introduced Paul Buquet who is working at Mandarin Station as Finance Supervisor.  He is from Beaufort SC which was absorbed into North Florida District. 


50/50 drawing for SPAC was won by Lillian Mason.  $100 total was collected. 


Door prize winners:  Carl, Sam, Dawnete, Bill Randall, Kay, Bill Benfield, Paul Buquet, Ben Strawn, Mike Jakob and Angie.


 Next meeting will be in May 2012.  Date and location TBA.


Sam motioned to adjourn the meeting; Joyce seconded.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:05.


Respectfully submitted,


Kay Woods



MINUTES FOR January 12, 2012


Members Present:     Bruce Kurland, Sam Jones, Martin Brown, Ben Strawn, William Rizzo, Kay Woods, William Randall, Joyce Randall, Ron Wheeler, Randall Castillo, Charlene Cook,  Joyce Hamilton, Bill Benfield, Stefan Zlobicki, and Lillian Mason.

Randall convened the meeting at 7:25 pm at Sneakers Sports Grill.


Kay read the minutes from the November meeting.  Sam Jones motioned to accept the minutes; Joyce Randall seconded.


Martin Brown gave the Financial Statement for year ending December 31, 2011, and presented the budget for 2012.  Joyce Hamilton motioned to accept the financial statement and budget; Sam Jones seconded the motion.


Bruce reported on the realignment in mail processing.  Mr Willard is coming to In Plant Support and Bill Rizzo is the Acting lead MDO.  Two people were defended at the NDC and both LOW’s were rescinded.


Sam Jones reminded us of the State Convention that will be held in Daytona Beach on June 20-24, 2012.  Room rates are $119 per night.  The theme for Friday night will be 50’s/60’s, and NASCAR will be the theme for Saturday night.  Randall reported that tickets for the SPAC drawing at Convention have arrived and encouraged members to sell these tickets.  Tickets cost $10 each and 1st place winner gets $2,500; 2nd place gets $1,500; and third place gets $1,000.  Only 1,000 tickets were printed.   See Randall to obtain tickets to sell. 


Sam encouraged everyone to call your congressman/woman about the current bills in Congress that affect the USPS.  For every penny that gas goes up, it costs the USPS 6.5 billion dollars.  Additional information can be found in the legislative section at 


Bill Benfield reported that NDC has staffing issues.  They originally had 33 supervisors and now they have 13.  A group from the Southwest Regional Office is coming to evaluate the NDC on January 23.


50/50 drawing for SPAC was won by Bill Rizzo.  $100 total was collected. 


Door prize winners:  Martin, Bruce, Stefan, Joyce Hamilton, Lillian, Sam, Bill Rizzo, Ben, Charlene, and Randall.


 Next meeting will be in March 2012.  Date and location TBA.


Sam motioned to adjourn the meeting; Martin seconded.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:15.


Respectfully submitted,


Kay Woods



MINUTES FOR November 10, 2011


Members Present:     Bruce Kurland, Sam Jones, Rosa Soto, Martin Brown, Ben Strawn, William Rizzo, Kay Woods, William Randall, Joyce Randall, Ron Wheeler, Randall Castillo, Charlene Cook,  Joyce Hamilton, Charles Farmer, Bill Benfield, Jerry Neu, Kenneth Gross, Jill Beechly, Danny Jowers, and Stefan Zlobicki

Rosa convened the meeting at 7:20 pm at Cross Creek Restaurant.


Rosa welcomed Branch 556 members from the NDC who have merged with Branch 93. 


Kay read the minutes from the September meeting.  Sam motioned to accept the minutes; Randall seconded.


Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report and reported that we are now banking with Vystar Credit Union.  Beginning balance was $23,131.50 and ending checkbook balance was $25,135.84.  Sam motioned to accept the report; Randall seconded the motion.


Bruce informed us that there is a lot of discipline in Customer Service.  Those in trouble are being locked out of their computers so they cannot access needed records.  Pay talks are finished, and the results were distributed at the meeting.  Pay is frozen for two years, but NAPS is fighting back.  If promoted, supervisors still get increase.  If detailed, supervisors will get increase.   Pay package also included new leave earning rates for supervisors hired from the outside.  PCES pay is also frozen, and they have to start paying for FEHB.  A bi-partisan bill was passed 9-1 by a Senate panel.  The bill now goes to the full senate.  Included in the bill is a provision to require OPM to refund $7 billion in overpaid FERS payments to USPS.  Money gained is to be used for incentives for employees to leave the Postal Service.  Up to $25,000 could be offered. Delay the start-up of five-day-a-week mail delivery for two years if USPS completes studies and develops remedies for customers who may be affected disproportionately by the change in service.     Authorize USPS to create a new USPS health care plan outside FEHBP, if USPS and all unions agreed to its terms.


Sam advised that the incentive offered may be $25,000 or 2 years/FERS or 1 year/CSRS service could be added to service time for purposes of calculating annuity. 


Rosa advised supervisors as well as managers are being represented.  Do not answer anything unless representative is present.  Bruce, Sam, Lillian, Randall and Rosa represent members.  If you know someone who is not a NAPS member, remind them that they have to be a member for 90 days to be represented by a lawyer (Scialla & Associates). 

Bruce reminded everyone of our Branch’s website:  Minutes from each meeting are posted on the website.


Charlene, Election Chairman, reported on the election of officers and nominated the following: 


            President                     Rosa Soto

            Vice President             Randall Castillo

            Co Vice President        Chuck Farmer

            Secretary                     Kay Woods

            Treasurer                    Martin Brown


Because they ran unopposed, they were elected.


SPAC 50/50 drawing was won by Chuck Farmer.  Total collected was $115.


Door prize winners:  Joyce Randall, Joyce Hamilton, Jerry Neu, Bill Randall, Bill Rizzo, Ron Wheeler, Bruce, Martin, Charlene, Randall, Sam, Rosa, Danny, and Chuck.


Next meeting will be in January 2012.  Date and location TBA.


Sam motioned to adjourn the meeting; Randall seconded.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:05.


Respectfully submitted,


Kay Woods

Kay Woods



MINUTES FOR September 15, 2011


Members Present:          Bruce Kurland, Sam Jones, Rosa Soto, Martin Brown, Michael Jakob, Ben Strawn, William Rizzo, Kay Woods, William Randall, Joyce Randall, Ron Wheeler, Charles Richardson, Lillian Mason, Ron Sturgill, Randall Castillo, Elizabeth Hardy, Edwin Lang, Charlene Cook, Angie Waddell, Christie King, Dawnette Tinsley, Toni Jackson, and Willie Williams.

Guests                                  Bob Quinlan, NAPS, FL State President

 Jerry Sebastian, NAPS, SE Area VP

Andra Bridges

Albert Diaz

Carol Grande


Rosa convened the meeting at 7:30 pm at Cross Creek Restaurant.  Sam Jones introduced special guests Jerry Sebastian, SE Area Vice President, and Bob Quinlan, Florida NAPS President. 

 Jerry gave an update on several issues. 

 ·        Tim Ford, Southern Region VP, retired in December and has had health issues.  He just had surgery for colon cancer and will be starting chemo soon.  A card was circulated to send to him.

·        Louis Atkins is having meetings to come up with strategy for pay talks.

 ·        $18,000 was raised at the Florida State Convention for SPAC.

 ·        Training will be held October 1 in Altamonte Springs.  Jack Berry, advocate for Scialla & Associates, will be at the training.  He handles MSPB cases.  Registration fee is $35; hotel room rate is $89.

 ·        If you would like to receive updates that Jerry receives from Washington, send him your email address and he will add you to his distribution list.  Jerry's email address is and put NAPS in subject line.

 ·        There will be a rally on September 27 with all USPS groups and unions to try to save the USPS.

 ·        Jerry distributed a petition regarding H.R. 1351, Save America’s Postal Service, and encouraged members to obtain signatures.  Give completed sheets to Bruce who will send to NAPS Headquarters.

 ·        Legislative Training Seminar will be held in DC March 10-14, 2012, and will be held at the Marriott Crystal Gateway. 

 ·        Fortunately, Jacksonville will absorb mail from 5 different areas to process when consolidation of plants is implemented.   

 ·        USPS wants to withdraw from Federal Employees Health Benefit plan and start own health benefit company. 

 ·        USPS owns lots of property, and they are trying to sell historic and old buildings.

·        Regarding overtime, if badge is taken away when asked to work overtime, complete 1260 with actual time you left work.  If they tell you to stay, send email to manager and yourself at home if working over 8 hours authorized.  Eighty percent of USPS budget is wages and benefits which affects postage rates.  Staying without getting paid is falsification of time and attendance records.

 Bob Quinlan advised he was re-elected to President of NAPS for Florida at the State Convention.  Much discipline is going on and some discipline is being administered via email.  The state convention in 2012 will be in Daytona Beach on June 18-23.  Louis Atkins will be at the training class in October and also at the state convention.  He also stressed the importance of NOT working off the clock.  Swipe time card or complete 1260 if manager told you to stay.

 Christie King, Labor Relations Specialist, advised customer service members to make sure certification and checklist is complete and accurate.  There is lots of discipline for T&A falsification.  Do not arbitrarily change clock rings.

 Charlene announced it's time for election of officers.  Let Charlene know if you would like to stay in office or run for office.

 SPAC 50/50 drawing was won by Angie Waddell.  Total collected was $140.

 Door prize winners:  Rosa, Willie Williams, Albert Diaz, Sam Jones, Bill Rizzo, Joyce Randall, Lillian Mason, Charlie Richardson, Angie Waddell, and Ron Wheeler.

 Next meeting will be the 2nd week of November.  Date and location TBA.

 Meeting was adjourned at 8:20.

 The next meeting will be held in November.  Specific date and location TBA.

Respectfully submitted,

Kay Woods



MINUTES FOR May 19, 2011


Rosa convened the meeting at Cross Creek Restaurant at 7:30 pm.

Seventeen members were present:  Rosa Soto, Bruce Kurland, Joyce Hamilton, Martin Brown, Bill Randall, Ron Wheeler, Charlene Cook, Joyce Randall, Kay Woods, Randall Castillo, Sam Jones, Michael Jakob, Robin Lang, Terry Wilson, Angie Waddell, Dawnette Tinsley, and Toni Jackson.

Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning balance was $17,796.48 and ending checkbook balance was $19,725.80.  Sam motioned to accept the report; Randall seconded the motion.

Sam gave us a report about the Legislative Seminar which he attended in March and reminded us about the State Convention being held in June.

Rosa welcomed special guest Tim Ford who updated us on several topics.  He stressed how important it is to update eCareer.  If you do not do this, you may be out the door.  The Plant will not post jobs as some plants will be closed.  The focus will be on filling Customer Service jobs.  Concerning the early out, the Postal Service had a goal of 5800 but only 2700 have applied.  Form 50’s have been cut for FMLA Coordinators moving to Greensboro in June.  Southeast Area and 7 districts have been closed and more are expected.  He urged everyone to go to legislative section and email your Congressmen about two bills in the Senate concerning the Postal Service.  He urged everyone to hold people accountable and do not falsify.  MSPB judges are not lenient.

Rosa advised that EAS managers and supervisors have been reprimanded and represented by NAPS.  Let her know in advance if you need help.  She encouraged everyone to sign up non-members and remind non-members that you have to be a member of NAPS for 90 days to be represented.

The 50/50 drawing for SPAC was won by Toni Jackson.  $80 total was collected.

Door prizes were won by Bruce, Joyce Randall, Sam, Dawnette, Bill Randall, Kay, Martin, Randall, and Tim.

Sam motioned to adjourn the meeting; Martin seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 7:50pm.

The next meeting will be held in September.  Specific date and location TBA.

Respectfully submitted,

Kay Woods



MINUTES FOR March 10, 2011


Rosa convened the meeting at Taverna Yamas Restaurant at 7:20 pm.

Members present were Rosa Soto, Bruce Kurland, Ben Strawn, Joyce Hamilton, Martin Brown, Bill Randall, Ron Wheeler, Charlene Cook, Joyce Randall, Kay Woods, Lillian Mason, Ron Sturgill, Randall Castillo, Sam Jones, Willie Williams, William Rizzo,  and Mike Willard.

Kay read the minutes from the January meeting.  Sam motioned to accept the minutes; Randall seconded.

Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning balance was $17,702.89 and ending checkbook balance was $17,716.98.  Sam motioned to accept the report; Randall seconded the motion.

Bruce reported that News Lamp (distributed to current employees) has many articles about “change,” and “workplace changes.”  Articles talk about organization redesign, future is smaller, consolidation of 10 districts, closure of 2000 post offices, 7500 EAS positions to be cut, etc.  Bruce advised everyone to update your eCareer now!  There was also an article in the NY Times which quoted PM Donahue as saying there would be 30,000 employees cut by end of year.  Will use attrition and early retirement and targeted at positions not needed.  Concerning pre-funding of FEHB, OPM Inspector General says if USPS does not pay, there will be no FEHB for retirees.  Daytona Beach plant is officially closing July 1, 2011.

Sam gave us an update for State Convention.  Casino trip to Biloxi and the golf tournament are planned for Thursday.  You need to get room reservation now to insure room in hotel.  Sam updated us on Tim Ford saying that he is doing better.  

Bruce reminded members that the minutes are on the local website.  Convention info is on the FL State website.

Rosa advised that she has represented some employees several times for differing situations.  Lillian, Bruce, Randall, and Sam assist in representing members.

The 50/50 drawing for SPAC was won by Joyce Hamilton.  $100 total was collected.

Door prizes were won by Kay, Randall, Ben, Laurie, Ron, Charlene, Bill, Lillian, Mike W. and Ida.

Sam reminded attendees of the raffle tickets for State Convention and to give the stubs to him.

Sam motioned to adjourn the meeting; Martin seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 7:50pm.

The next meeting will be held in May.  Specific date and location TBA.

Respectfully submitted,

Kay Woods





Rosa convened the meeting at Cross Creek Restaurant at 7:30 pm.

Members present were Ben Strawn, Rosa Soto, Lillian Mason, Bruce Kurland, Sam Jones, Joyce Hamilton, Martin Brown, Ron Wheeler, Bill Randall, Joyce Randall, Kay Woods, Mike Carraher Bill Rizzo, Carolyn Kirce, Dawnette Tinsley, Susan Chambers, and Terry Wilson.  Guest:  Tim Ford.

Kay read the minutes from the November meeting.  Sam motioned to accept the minutes; Martin seconded.

Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning balance was $13,909.21 and ending checkbook balance was $15,492.89.  Sam motioned to accept the report; Bill Rizzo seconded the motion.

Rosa introduced Tim Ford, NAPS Southern Region Vice President.  Tim gave us an update on the changes occurring in the Postal Service.  Southeast Area will be closed and 120 EAS employees at that facility will be moved.  SEA districts will report to the Southwest Area Office with the exception of Tennessee, which will report to the Eastern Area, and the Atlanta District, which will report to Capital Metro Area.  Headquarters has been told to cut staffs by 16-20%; these employees will also have to be placed.  More announcements will be made on Friday.  Tim encouraged us to talk to our local Congress representatives.  Ask them about new stamp tax:  USPS is required to prefund retiree health benefits and USPS has been overpaying CSRS pension funds.  No private company or federal company is required to do this except the USPS.  This was $55 billiion dollars last year.  We are doing a great job with less employees.  Do not falsify time.  Put in for time you work.  Important to take personal notes.  Most issues that Scialla & Associates receive are falsification and sexual harassment.  Five-day work week will have to be decided by Congress.

Bruce updated us on the Maintenance reorganization.   There are 270 vacancies nationwide; 25 EAS employees still impacted nationwide.  Bruce also distributed January 7 Newsbreak which details the changes in headquarters structure.

Bruce and Rosa participated in meeting to change Delivery Units.  This is in analysis phase; potential to combine delivery units; will not close stations; retail and box section will remain.

The 50/50 drawing for SPAC was won by Joyce Randall.  $90 total was collected.

Door prizes were won by Bill Rizzo, Kay, Ben, Martin, Terry, Lillian, Rosa, Ron, Sam, and Bill Randall.

The next meeting will be March 10, 2011.  Location TBA.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kay Woods





Rosa convened the meeting at Johnny Angel’s Diner at 7:30 pm.

Members present were Ben Strawn, Rosa Soto, Lillian Mason, Bruce Kurland, Sam Jones, Joyce Hamilton, Martin Brown, Ron Wheeler, Bill Randall, Joyce Randall, Kay Woods, Randall Castillo, Willie Williams, Mike Carraher, Steve Marcus, and Charlene Cook.

Sam motioned to skip reading of the minutes; Randall seconded the motion.

Kay introduced guest Eddie Williams, BC/BS representative.  Eddie updated us on the changes that will be forthcoming next year and also distributed information brochures.  Information can also be obtained at or  Eddie advised that children up to age 26 can now be covered and do not have to live with you or be in college.  To add children (including step-children or foster children), call 800-333-2227.  If you have any problems, call Eddie at 863-815-3319 or email him at

Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning balance was $12,836.54 and ending balance was $13,859.21.  Sam motioned to accept the report; Randall seconded the motion.

Sam gave us our raffle tickets to sell for the 2011 State Convention.  Be sure to complete the “sold by” section on the stub as the person selling the winning ticket wins $100.  The convention will be held in Destin at the Embassy Suites, June 24-26, 2011.  Room rate is $195 and includes parking, breakfast, and free manager’s party each afternoon.  Sam will have more information at the next meeting.  Rosa advised anyone wishing to attend the convention to give your name to Kay.

Bruce updated us on the maintenance restructuring.  Three new EAS promotions have resulted, and additional mechanics are being hired.  P&D is currently hiring Christmas casuals.    Standard and priority mailings have increase over SPLY but 163 less people are employed in Jacksonville.

Bill Randall announced that casual TTO drivers are also being hired for Christmas; they must have a CDL.  He cautioned everyone to reconcile charges for invoices.  Make sure you certify and have gas receipt and invoices; must have receipts for vehicle repairs also.

Rosa welcomed Steve Marcus to the meeting and recognized Mike Carraher, who is back at Mandarin Station.  There are customer service changes every day. SWCS hours are affecting C/S.  Transitional employees are being hired in C/S. Many mail processing clerks are moving to C/S SSA’s.  Jan Johnson has been reassigned from Mandarin, and Jim Mulvey is taking her place.

The  50/50 drawing for SPAC was won by Rosa.  $95 total was collected.

Door prizes were won by Joyce Randall, Martin, Ben, Rosa, Lillian, Sam, Joyce Hamilton, Charlene, Mike, and Randall.

The next meeting will be January 12, 2011.  Location TBA.

Sam motioned to adjourn the meeting and Randall seconded the motion. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kay Woods





Rosa Soto called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm at St John’s Seafood on San Jose Boulevard.


Members present were Rosa Soto, Sam Jones, Bruce Kurland, Ben Strawn, Joyce Hamilton, Kay Woods, Susan Chambers, Martin Brown, Bill Rizzo, Lillian Mason, Bill Randall, Michael Jakob, and Willie Williams.


Kay Woods read the minutes from the May 2010 meeting.   Sam Jones motioned to accept the minutes; Joyce Hamilton seconded the motion.


Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning balance on May 1, 2010, was $22,639.10 and ending balance as of September 15, 2010, was $12,711.54.  Bill Randall motioned to accept the report; Rosa seconded the motion. 


Rosa recently represented three supervisors and one manager; process took 2 ½ hours; no results yet.  Lillian has been representing supervisors at several stations, and Bruce has been representing mail processing supervisors.  Rosa thanked both for representing our members. Our supervisors are often tasked with too many responsibilities; they have extra duties due to lack of clerks.


Bruce reported that SWCS is being investigated. Bruce gave a report on the NAPS National Convention.  There were no USPS National Officers at the NAPS National Convention.  New officers elected included Louis Atkins as President, (he had two opponents); Jay Killackey as Vice President (unopposed), and Brian Wagner as Secretary-Treasurer (3 opponents).  Several sites were vying to get the 2014 National Convention – Alaska, Mobile, and San Diego.  San Diego received the most votes.  2012 National Convention will be held in Reno, 2011 State Convention in Destin, and 2012 State Convention in Daytona Beach.


Southern Region Vice President, Tim Ford, has had some heart problems; he is at home but not working.


Auto mechanics are 400 services behind on vehicles.  There has been no hiring for two years, and they are 5 mechanics short in North Florida.  All vehicles are required to be serviced by the end of the fiscal year.


District 1 Vice President Report:    Sam reported that OIG has to investigate every call they receive.  For BMEU mail, make sure you fax certification every day by 12:00 pm.


SPAC 50/50 drawing was won by Rosa.  $80 total was collected.


Door prizes were won by Susan, Willie, Joyce, Rosa, Bruce and Ben.


Next meeting will be November 4, 2010.  Location TBA.


Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Kay Woods


Kay Woods 





Rosa Soto called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm at Cross Creek Restaurant on Lane Avenue.


Members present were Rosa Soto, Sam Jones, Bruce Kurland, Ben Strawn, Joyce Hamilton, Kay Woods, Ron Wheeler, Susan Chambers, Charlene Cook, Martin Brown, Randall Castillo, Bill Rizzo, and Lillian Mason.


Kay Woods read the minutes from the March 2010 meeting.   Sam Jones motioned to accept the minutes; Randall Castillo seconded the motion.


Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning balance on March 1, 2010, was $23,727.24 and ending balance as of May 18, 2010, was $21,889.10.  Sam motioned to accept the report; Randall Castillo seconded the motion. 


Charlene gave a report on the Legislative Seminar.  Items discussed with our Congressmen included:

·        Postal financial crisis

·        Prefunding of FEHB for future retiree health benefits – USPS is only federal agency required to do this.

·        Inspector General report to Congress that USPS has been overcharged by $75 Billion into the Civil Service Retirement System – this overcharge would pay the prefunding obligations owed by the USPS through 2017.

·        5-day delivery of mail should be the last resort, not the first.

·        Mail-in voting for no-excuse absentee voting.

·        Prescription drug prices could be reduced by expanding OPM oversight.

·        Electric vehicles for mail delivery.


Rosa thanked Bruce and Lillian for representing their co-workers when needed.  Rosa stated she has recently attended 6 mediations and 5 fact findings with 2 more scheduled tomorrow.  Rosa cautioned everyone to document everything you are told.  There was an issue of a supervisor making a decision and receiving a 14-day suspension for the first time in a 30 year career.  This case was sent to Mr Brown who changed the suspension to a Letter of Warning. 


Be sure to apply for all positions.  Mr Rosenberg gave his word that he would try to find you a job.


Bruce reported that SOX auditing will begin in June.  Among items they are checking are 8125’s and the BMEU.  Make sure you have documentation.


Sam reported that the FL State Convention will be held in 3 weeks in St Petersburg.


SPAC 50/50 drawing was won by Bill Rizzo.  $85 total was collected.


Door prizes were won by Susan, Randall, Martin, Rosa, Bill Rizzo, Ben Strawn, Bruce, Sam, and Kay.


Next meeting will be in September.  Date and location TBA.


Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Kay Woods





Rosa Soto called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm at Dick’s Wings on Old St Augustine Road.


Members present were Bruce Kurland, Ben Strawn, Joyce Hamilton, Kay Woods, Rosa Soto, Martin Brown, Joyce Randall, Bill Randall, Bill Rizzo, Ron Wheeler, Valerie Hayes, Ronald Render, Terry Wilson, Willie Williams, Charlene Cook, and Patricia McIntyre.


Rosa announced that the next meeting will be May 18, 2010.  Location TBA.


Kay Woods read the minutes from the January 2010 meeting.   Joyce Randall motioned to accept the minutes; Martin Brown seconded the motion.


Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning balance on January 1, 2010, was $23,774.50 and ending balance as of March 11, 2010, was $23,145.64.00.  Joyce Randall motioned to accept the report; Pat McIntyre seconded the motion. 


Rosa reported heavy discipline with time and attendance for supervisors and their employees.  Mail Processing received 5 grievances in two days.  Customer Service received 6 grievances.  Volunteers are needed to help represent employees.  Give your name to Kay if you can assist.  Pat McIntyre will take care of Tour 1. 


Rosa thanked new member Terry Wilson for coming to the meeting.


Rosa invited anyone to bring up any problems they have.  One member reported on a problem with delayed mail.  Another member put in for five jobs via eCareer but no one has received his package.  Rosa advised it is a slow but sure procedure and to be patient.  When you are approached by a manager, manager may consider this a fact finding, but manager must tell you it is a fact finding.  Members must have representation at fact finding.  Do not ever do fact finding without representation.  You are not authorized breaks and should take lunch before 6 hours work.


Discussion about time and attendance followed.  Mail Processing supervisor has 48 hours to respond to T&A issues.


Joyce Hamilton won the 50/50 drawing for SPAC.  $100 was collected.


Door prize winners were Rosa, Bruce, Ben, Charlene, Ron, Willie Williams, and Bill Rizzo.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Kay Woods






Rosa Soto called the meeting to order at 7:20 pm at Cross Creek Restaurant on Lane Avenue.


Members present were Bruce Kurland, Ben Strawn, Joyce Randall, Bill Randall, Sam Jones, Rosa Soto, Randall Castillo, Martin Brown, Kay Woods, Joyce Hamilton, Bill Rizzo, Charlene Cook, Ron Wheeler, Lillian Mason and Valerie Hayes.


Kay Woods read the minutes from the November 2009 meeting.   Sam Jones motioned to accept the minutes; Martin Brown seconded the motion.


Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning balance on November 1, 2009, was $20,596.63 and ending balance as of January 29, 2010, was $22,908.00.  Randall Castillo motioned to accept the report; Joyce Randall seconded the motion. 


Rosa & Bruce reported that Art Rosenberg invited NAPS to the L&DC a couple weeks ago when he announced that the EAS jobs at the L&DC are being excessed.  He said that they will find everyone a job.  Mail Processing supervisors have been encouraged to put in for jobs in customer service. 


Sam reported that LiteBlue is not showing the correct salary increase yet.

We also need new members so please invite non-members to the next meeting.


Ron Wheeler won the SPAC 50/50 drawing.  $85 total was collected.


Door prize winners were Charlene Cook, Bill Rizzo, Joyce Hamilton, Joyce Randall, Bill Randall, Bruce Kurland, Ron Wheeler and Randall Castillo.


Next meeting will be held on March 11, 2010.  Location to be announced.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Kay Woods


Kay Woods 





Rosa Soto called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm at Cross Creek Restaurant on Lane Avenue.


Members present were Charlene Cook, Joyce Hamilton, Kay Woods, Rosa Soto, Bruce Kurland, Martin Brown, Bill Randall, Joyce Randall, Randall Castillo, Ron Wheeler, Lorna Sanders, Michael Jakob, Bill Rizzo, Susan Chambers, Lillian Mason, Willie Williams and Patricia McIntyre.


Kay Woods read the minutes from the September meeting.   Martin Brown motioned to accept the minutes; Randall Castillo seconded the motion.


Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning balance on September 1, 2009, was $18,223.30 and ending balance as of October 31, 2009, was $20,596.63.  Randall Castillo motioned to accept the report; Joyce Randall seconded the motion. 


Charlene reported on the election of officers.  There were no opponents to the current officers so all are elected for new terms.


Special guest was Richard Carroll from the National Association of Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE).  He said that NARFE is tasked with safeguarding and improving the rights and benefits of active employees, retirees, and their spouses.  They have been doing this for 85 years.  There are 80 chapters in Florida and 10 chapters in the North Florida area.  He gave an overview of current activities NARFE is pursuing with Congress.  Richard distributed his business cards and pamphlets about NARFE and invited anyone to call him if they have questions.


Bruce reported on the FERS sick leave legislation which will encourage FERS employees to save their sick leave for retirement purposes.  Jay Killackey, National NAPS Secretary/Treasurer, said there will be an interim program to fill EAS positions.  USPS and NAPS will release accurate information.  NAPS fought and won to change the percentage of core requirements from 30% to 10%. 


State Convention will be held June 10 -13, 2010, in St Petersburg.  The National Convention is to be held August 9 – 13 in Orlando.


Rosa reminded everyone to check LITEBLUE frequently for EAS jobs to apply for. 


Martin Brown won the SPAC 50/50 drawing.  $85 total was collected.


Door prize winners were Martin Brown, Lorna Sanders, Rosa Soto, Susan Chambers, Willie Williams, Bill Rizzo, Pat McIntyre, Lillian Mason, Joyce Randall, and Bill Randall.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Kay Woods





In Rosa’s absence, Randall called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm at Copeland’s Restaurant.


Members present were Sue Rizzo, Bill Rizzo, Joyce Hamilton, Lorna Sanders, Martin Brown, Ben Strawn, Debbie Adkins, Bruce Kurland, Randall Castillo, Kay Woods, Ron Sturgill, Susan Chambers, Lillian Mason, Bill Randall, Joyce Randall, Sam Jones, Greg Norman, and Charlene Cook.


Randall introduced special guest Carol Grande, EAP Consultant.  Carol advised that resource materials are available on liteblue.  The articles are helpful to employees and family members.  New coaching articles are available also.  Carol urged all to attend training classes offered by PEDC.  A class on “Living Well through Change” will be held September 24 at 3:00pm. 


Kay Woods read the minutes from the May meeting.  Sam Jones motioned to accept the minutes; Randall seconded the motion.


Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning balance on May 1, 2009, was $20,045.16 and ending balance as of today is $18,130.13.  Sam Jones motioned to accept the report; Joyce Hamilton seconded the motion.  Martin mentioned that we need new members.


Susan Chambers reported on the FL/GA Bi-State Convention that she attended for the first time.  She said it was a great experience and she’s glad that she belongs to NAPS.  Randall encouraged everyone who has never been to a convention to participate if possible.


Bruce reported that NAPS membership is declining and we need to increase membership.  He reminded everyone that if you recruit a new member, NAPS will send you a $50 savings bond.  Bruce gave an example of why NAPS is important to supervisors.   Recently, a supervisor and his manager came to Bruce with a problem concerning the timelines in Phase I and Phase II of the RIF.  Bruce contacted Jerry Sebastian, Southeast Area VP, who contacted Louis Atkins at NAPS Headquarters.  Louis took issue to USPS Headquarters and followed-up until issue was resolved.  


Martin encouraged everyone to advise non-members that you have to be a member to be represented by NAPS.  If we didn’t have this organization, a lot of people would have no recourse.


Sam reminded the members about the training session scheduled for the first weekend in October.  Florida is hosting the 2010 National Convention in Orlando.  The 2010 State Convention will be in St Petersburg.  The theme for both Friday night and Saturday night is the Roaring 20’s.  He will have more information at the next meeting.


Sam advised everyone to send him any information to include in the FL Newsletter.


Sue Rizzo was recognized as this was her last official meeting.  She is transferring to the FBI.  Harriett Dillyhon is being detailed to Sue’s job.


Door prize winners were Ron Sturgill, Debbie Adkins, Sam Jones, Joyce Hamilton, Joyce Randall, Charlene Cook, Sue Rizzo, Martin Brown, Lillian Mason, and Bruce Kurland.


Joyce Randall won the 50/50 drawing for SPAC.  Total collected was $80.


The next meeting will be November 5 at Cross Creek Restaurant.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Kay Woods


Kay Woods





Rosa Soto called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm at Dick’s Wing’s on St Augustine Road.


Members present were Rosa Soto, Sam Jones, Bruce Kurland, Martin Brown, Sue Rizzo, Bill Rizzo, Randall Castillo, Kay Woods, Joyce Hamilton, Charlene Cook, Ben Strawn, Susan Chambers, Ron Sturgill, and Cynthia Barton.


Kay Woods read the minutes from the March meeting.  Sam Jones motioned to accept the minutes; Martin Brown seconded the motion.


Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning balance on April 1, 2009, was $18,916.08 and ending balance as of today is $17,777.92.  Randall Castillo motioned to accept the report; Joyce Hamilton seconded the motion.  Martin & Rosa said that because of the VERA’s, we may lose members so please invite any non-members to a meeting or ask them to join. 


Bruce reported that two supervisors were involuntarily relocated.  Tim Ford was consulted and he advised that a grievance should be filed.  204B hours should be monitored, and if a 204B works any of the hours that the relocated supervisors worked, action should be taken.  They are doing whatever they want and not following directives.   A supervisor was issued a proposed removal letter.  An appeal was filed December 11.  The MDO answered and upheld the removal effective December 26.  That supervisor was a NAPS member and in February, he was represented by Scalia and Associates and received a decision that allowed him to make a military deposit that gave him 34 years service and allowed to retire.


Sam reported that the deadline for registration for the FL/GA State Convention is May 10.  The golf tournament starts at 1:00 on Thursday.  Friday night’s banquet will be Hawaiian Night, and Saturday night’s banquet will be Mardi Gras Night.  Doc Holiday, comic hypnotist, will be the entertainment on Saturday night.  A guest ticket for Friday night is $50 and $55 for Saturday night.


Sam also mentioned that our by-laws require that election of officers be held every two years.  We must hold elections in non-national convention year.  Rosa said that Charlene would be in charge of the nominating committee.


Sue Rizzo reminded everyone to pay attention to vacancies on eCareer.  Plant personnel cannot apply for district jobs and vice versa.  You are allowed to apply for jobs only in your finance number.  Customer Service vacant jobs and workload credits are being validated.  Every vacant job will be posted in Phase 2 but only to impacted employees.  Employees must be minimally qualified. 


Rosa advised that customer service is not impacted but a lot of vacancies exist and there’s a lot of 204B’s in customer service.  Mandarin has two vacancies.  Vacancies are for opening supervisor and middle supervisor.  The “My Postmaster” course is an excellent course to prepare for customer service jobs and Rosa urged all to take the course.


Cynthia Barton won the SPAC 50/50 drawing.  $85 total was collected.


Door prize winners were Cynthia Barton, Joyce Hamilton, Rosa Soto, Ron Sturgill, Bill Rizzo, Randall Castillo, Bruce Kurland, Ben Strawn, Sue Rizzo, and Charlene Cook.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Kay Woods


Kay Woods





Rosa Soto called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm at Wild Wings Cafe on Southside Boulevard.


Members present were Rosa Soto, Sam Jones, Bruce Kurland, Joyce Randall, Bill Randall, Martin Brown, Sue Rizzo, Bill Rizzo, Randall Castillo, Joyce Hamilton, Valerie Hayes, Ron Sturgill, Pat McIntyre, Charlene Cook, Lillian Mason, Susan Chambers, Robin Whitehead, and Lorna Sanders.


Rosa asked that the minutes from the last meeting and the treasurer’s report be skipped.


Sue Rizzo reported on eCareers which will be open for vacancies for impacted employees in the plant on 4/28.  Sue stressed that no one should wait to complete their profile, as the process is very different from the 991 process and is also very time consuming.  She advised working on it a little at a time so as not to be overwhelmed.  The eOPF can only be accessed from a non-Postal computer.  Other data bases may be accessed through the blue page from a work or home computer.  The Manager, Human Resources has sent an instruction guide to help employees develop their profile.  Del Jackson is giving training tonight on tour 1.  Members present were given a packet of information.  When listing courses, only list those completed within the last 15 years or less.  The courses listed should be related to the job for which the employee is applying.  Attachments are limited and only information specifically asked for as an attachment should be included.  eCareer automatically puts courses in chronological order.  The blue page contains a step-by-step instruction guide.  Letters of recommendation are not to be included as attachments unless specifically requested.  The profile may be updated and used for more than one vacant position application.  The program times out frequently, so information should be saved regularly using the “save” button at the bottom of the tab.  There are other tabs at the top of the page.  A snapshot of your document is one continuous page.  Use of the STAR is not required and one job history may fulfill a number of KSAs.  Rosa asked if the training was being done on a computer and Sue replied that Del and Deborah Randall were using net training for the training sessions.   All employees are encouraged to complete a profile so they will be ready in case they become an impacted employee or if they see a job for which they would like to apply.  Incumbents in a position will not have to rebid their present jobs.


Bruce provided a packet of information and reported that we are currently in a RIF avoidance process. Some employees were offered a VERA if they met the requirements.  From 4/28 to 5/13, Phase 1 of the RIF avoidance is in effect.  The process is structured by finance number and is open to both impacted and non-impacted employees in the facility (finance number).  If there are no positions available within a facility during Phase 1, the impacted employees will have to wait until Phase 2 begins.    Phase 2 is only open to impacted employees. From 6/16-7/1 Phase 2 is in effect.  Impacted employees may apply for any position within the district.  6/19 is the last day to apply for VERA.  From 6/24-8/28, an impacted employee may request to be kept on the rolls in non-pay/duty status for 30 days.  There is no veteran’s preference during RIF avoidance.  Veteran Preference impacted employees still have the right to the Merit Protection Board.  There are no retreat rights if an entire job area is abolished. If an employee is placed in a lower level position, they receive the same level and grade/salary for 2 years.  Then they will drop to that grade but will retain their salary level indefinitely.  On Tuesday, 4/21 there will be a net-meeting for all impacted employees.  Webcoins contains positions that may be available, but this is not a given as it is continually updated.  An employee must be verbally notified by his/her manager if impacted.  Bruce stated that if the position does not show that it is impacted in Webcoins, but the manager tells an employee that they are impacted, then the employee should go with what the manager says. 


Sam reported that the legislative reps lobbied for passage of HR22, which pertained to the payment of present/future monies for health benefits.  We want to pay present benefits from the surplus that the USPS has.  Joyce stated that the USPS is the only federal agency required to fund future health benefits and that congress is using us as a “cash cow”, so either “bail us out or let us use our own money.”  Sam stated that the FERS sick leave bill passed.  This bill will allow FERS employees to add up to one year to their retirement based on their unused sick leave.  A study showed that FERS employees used sick leave much more than CSRS employees because there was no incentive to save it.  Passage of this bill benefits those in Washington also, as almost everyone is on the FERS system.  Lillian asked if the decision would be retroactive up to three years and Sam stated that he did not think so, but would check into it.  This bill still needs passage in the Senate. He also emphasized that NAPS is working in Washington every day for its members and fighting for our rights.


Bruce stated that the BMC is not closing, but that it does have impacted MDOs.


50/50 winner of the SPAC drawing was Martin Brown.  $90 total was collected. 


Door prize winners were:  Pat McIntyre, Valerie Wimberly Hayes, Ron Sturgill, Martin Brown, Charlene Cook, Lillian Mason, Sam Jones, Lorna Sanders, and Robin Whitehead.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:20.


Respectfully submitted,


Charlene Cook for


Kay Woods 


Addendum:  After the meeting, Lillian Mason requested to go to the State Convention.   Members that requested to go at the last meeting were:  Kim Escolano, Charlene Cook, Randall Castillo, Susan Chambers, and Kay Woods





Rosa Soto called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm at Cross Creek Restaurant on Lane Avenue.


Members present were Rosa Soto, Sam Jones, Bruce Kurland, Joyce Randall, Bill Randall, Martin Brown, Sue Rizzo, Bill Rizzo, Randall Castillo, Kay Woods, Joyce Hamilton, Angie Waddell, Pat McIntyre, Charlene Cook, Claudia Tremble, Alberto Escolano, Kim Escolano, Ben Strawn, Dave Summers, Lillian Mason, Michael Jakob, Susan Chambers, and Dawnette Tinsley.


Kay Woods read the minutes from the September meeting.  Sam Jones motioned to accept the minutes; Bill Rizzo seconded the motion.


Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning balance on November 1, 2008, was $18,394.80 and ending balance as of today is $20,263.42.  Joyce Randall motioned to accept the report; Randall Castillo seconded the motion.


Bruce reported that the Postmaster General responded to Congress yesterday.  Mail volume is dropping and should reduce 12 to 15 billion pieces in 2009.  The Postal Service used 27,000 fewer work hours in first quarter of 2009.  The PMG asked for five-day workweek.


Sam reported that the FL/GA State Convention will be held in Callaway Gardens GA June 10-13, 2009.  For anyone that wants to attend, Rosa advised attendees to notify Kay.


The North Florida District did well but NPA payout is not as good.  Questions have been raised as to why the payment was delayed one week since this was negotiated in 2006.


Sue reported that all non-career jobs are posted on eCareer.  RCA, TRC, and PMR jobs are all posted on eCareer.  People are applying from all over the country for our jobs. 


Joyce announced that the Legislative Seminar would be held March 29-31, 2009.


Sue asked if we were going to have a party this year?  Rosa replied “no.”

Kim reminded us that when talking to others about joining NAPS, remind them that NAPS cannot represent them if they are not members.


Rosa told members that a team of 7 inspectors came to Mandarin Station.  Make sure that you are cautious with registered mail and put it in the vault overnight.  Make sure all doors are secure.  Check and re-check before you go home.  Treat international registered mail as certified mail. 


There is a training session in February near Orlando.  If anyone is interested in going, please advise Rosa.


Rosa welcomed all new members attending the meeting.


50/50 winner of the SPAC drawing was Lillian Mason.  $125 total was collected. 


Door prize winners were:  Lillian, Dawnette, Bruce Kurland, Randall Castillo, Kay Woods, Bill Rizzo, Ronnie Woods, Pat McIntyre, Bill Randall, Al Escolano, Kim Escolano, Sam Jones, Claudia Tremble, Ben Strawn, and Susan Chambers.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:15.


Respectfully submitted,


Kay Woods


Kay Woods  


Addendum:  After the meeting, the following members requested to go to the State Convention:  Kim Escolano, Charlene Cook, Randall Castillo, and Susan Chambers.





Rosa Soto convened the meeting at 7:15 pm at Dick’s Wings and Grill Restaurant on St Augustine Road.


Members present were Sam Jones, Bruce Kurland, Rosa Soto, Kay Woods, Bill Randall, Joyce Randall, Martin Brown, William Rizzo, Joyce Hamilton, Ben Strawn, Mike Carraher, Randall Castillo, Valerie Hayes, Sue Rizzo, Lillian Mason, Ron Sturgill, Joe Warren Jr, Jim Sullivan, Charlene Cook, Lasandra Crawford, and Susan Chambers.


Kay Woods read the minutes from the September meeting.  Sam Jones motioned to accept the minutes.  Joyce Randall seconded the motion.


Martin Brown gave the treasurer’s report.  Beginning balance was $24,561.64 and ending balance was $18,238.70.  Sam Jones motioned to accept the report; Joyce Randall seconded the motion.


Martin also advised attendees to encourage non-members to join.  Our branch had 196 members two months ago and now we have 187.


Rosa introduced Sam Jones who reported that USPS is trying to freeze NPA for all management associations.  NAPS will go to court, if necessary.  USPS did freeze PCES executive pay but they just received a raise in May.  USPS distributed the goals for 2009 but didn’t talk to the management associations first.  Sam also reported that the BMC’s may be closed and there may be layoffs.    All jobs have been frozen, including craft.  All support groups may go to a shared services environment which means supervisors will have more work, no increase in pay, and be held accountable.  Sam emphasized that everyone should do their job, don’t falsify records, and get documentation for orders that you do not agree with.


Bruce reported on the news that the Board of Governors was asking for USPS to consider shared services for safety, AMS, and support operations.  USPS said this information is not valid.


Bruce also reported on the tour compression in Jacksonville; Tour 2 will be consolidated into Tour 1 and 3.  They are combining operations to be more effective.  District Manager and Plant Manager met with all three tours.  Consolidation will be effective 11/29/08.  This has already been implemented in other Southeast Area offices.  Maintenance employees will also change and the employees have been notified.


Rosa advised that Mandarin Station is getting a crew to evaluate mail volume.  Sam has been helping defend NAPS employees.  Always tell manager to put instructions in writing and be sure to ask for training if moved to a different operation.  Ask for the training in writing.  If you need overtime, obtain approval from manager.


Bruce report that the OIG is investigating TACS entries.  Make sure you check your pay stub to make sure annual leave is being deducted.  Rosa advised that the Inspection Service came to Mandarin to make sure 3971’s were being completed for personal leave.  If you go out the door with someone else, make sure you scan your badge.  Supervisor will be charged with crime, not the employee.


Bill Randall advised there is a new SOP regarding vehicle breakdown.  Call Station first and then VMF.  No government vehicle can be left on street overnight.


Sue Rizzo reported that all Personnel workload did not go to Shared Services as originally planned.  They are currently hiring Christmas casuals, except for BMC who did not get approval for Christmas casuals.


The 50/50 drawing for SPAC was held.  Bill Randall won $55 and $55 will be sent to SPAC.


Winners of the door prizes were Bill Rizzo, Bruce Kurland, Bill Randall, Joyce Hamilton, Ron Sturgill, Mrs Joe Warren, Martin Brown, Susan Chambers, Kay Woods, Jim Sullivan, Joyce Randall, Sam Jones, Valerie Hayes, and Randall Castillo.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:20.


Respectfully submitted,


Kay Woods





Randall Castillo called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm at Dick’s Wings & Grill on St Augustine Road.


Members present were Joyce Randall, Bill Randall, Bruce Kurland, Susan Chambers, Angie Waddell, Tom Hopper, Lillian Mason, Randal Castillo, Kay Woods, Bill Rizzo, Jim Sullivan, Joyce Hamilton, and Martin Brown.


Kay Woods read the minutes from the April meeting.  Randall motioned to accept the minutes; Joyce Hamilton seconded the motion.


Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning balance on September 17 was $22,408.64 and ending balance as of today is $14,846.14.  Bruce Kurland motioned to accept the report; Joyce Hamilton seconded the motion.


Bruce gave a report on the National Convention held in Louisville KY.  Mr Potter was at the convention and said there will be no incentives for early retirement (VERA) currently being offered.  He related there is a job freeze so that we have landing spots for employees.  Concerning the 5-day delivery issue, this is not a USPS decision but Congress has to decide.  For the 2012 National Convention, sites considered were Phoenix, Reno, Hawaii, and Indiana.  Reno was the site selected by delegates.  Bruce distributed a list of the resolutions passed by the Convention.  NAPS will take these resolutions to USPS headquarters.  Election of national offices was also held at the convention.  Winners were Ted Keating, President; Louis Atkins, Vice President, and Jay Killackey, Secretary-Treasurer.


Randall reported that the CORE team is going to delivery units to eliminate routes due to FSS machines.  One of five routes is being eliminated and maybe more supervisors.  The team has already been to Orange Park.  They are also trying to reduce the fleet size due to fuel charges. 


Martin relayed that you must not change clock rings – be honest.  NAPS, the League of Postmasters and NAPUS wanted to go together for pay talks but USPS declined.


Winner of the 50/50 drawing for SPAC was Ronnie Woods.  Total collected was $70.


Door prize winners were Angie Waddell, Lillian Mason, Susan Chambers, Randall Castillo, Kay Woods, Bill Randall, Joyce Hamilton, Bill Rizzo, Tom Hopper, and Joyce Randall.


Bruce motioned to close the meeting and Bill Randall seconded the motion.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:20.


Respectfully submitted,


Kay Woods





Bruce Kurland called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm at Dick’s Wings in the Tinseltown area.


Members present were Bill Randall, Joyce Randall, Bruce Kurland, Sue Rizzo, Sam Jones, Ben Strawn, Martin Brown, Randall Castillo, Charles Richardson, Lillian Mason, Kay Woods, Steve Marcus, William Rizzo, Susan Chambers, Charlene Cook, Patricia McIntyre, and Joe Warren, Jr.


Bruce introduced Susan Chambers, new NAPS member.


Mr Christenbury, Manager, Processing & Distribution, was our special guest.  He said we are going through interesting times.  The mail volume is declining and sometimes employees are on standby because there isn’t enough mail.  First class mail is drying up due to the internet.  Revenue is dropping and North Florida took a 75,000 workhour hit.  The new rates that will be implemented in May are tied to inflation.  Randall Castillo asked about the FSS FSM machines.  We are not included in the first wave, but the machines may reduce 25 percent of carrier complement.  Charlie Richardson advises his neighbors and friends to put extra stamps on cards and employees should do the same.  Sue Rizzo stated we should encourage people to vote early by mail.  Mr Christenbury advised that it’s a real potential for USPS.  He also advised that a CPU will be put in the Landing.


Kay Woods read the minutes from the January meeting.  Sam Jones motioned to accept the minutes; Martin Brown seconded the motion.


Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning balance was $20,145.23 and ending balance was $19,865.73.  Sam Jones motioned to accept the report; Joyce Randall seconded the motion.


Randall said that if anyone is interested in going to the Legislative Seminar to tell Kay.  Sam will go with our branch representatives to visit our Congressmen.  The State Convention is on a cruise ship; Martin Brown and Randall are going to attend.  The National Convention is in Louisville, KY, in September and this is the 100th Anniversary.  Martin advised that possibly 10 members will be able to go.


Bruce advised that Louis Atkins went to Hawaii to see if it would be okay for the National Convention in 2012.


Winners of the door prizes were:  Bill Rizzo, Pat McIntyre, Martin Brown, Charlene Cook, Charlie Richardson, Sam Jones, Lillian Mason, Steve Marcus, Ben Strawn, and Bill Randall.


Steve Marcus was the winner of the 50/50 drawing for SPAC.  He won $50 but gave $25 back to send to SPAC.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Kay Woods





Rosa Soto convened the meeting at 7:30 pm at Steak & Ale Restaurant on Baymeadows Road.


Members present were Rosa Soto, Bruce Kurland, Kay Woods, Lillian Mason, Joyce Hamilton, Bill Randall, Joyce Randall, Ben Strawn, Randall Castillo, Mike Carraher, Martin Brown, Dawnette Tinsley, Angie Waddell, Jeanine Allen, Roy Reynolds, and Steve Marcus.


Kay Woods read the minutes from the November meeting.  Joyce Hamilton motioned to accept the minutes; Randall Castillo seconded the motion.


Rosa introduced Art Rosenberg, OIC, Jacksonville.  Mr Rosenberg relayed that it is a pleasure to come to Jacksonville where he already knew the people.  He reported that he just came from a District Meeting in Gainesville for 22’s and above.  For Quarter 1, 2007, Jacksonville met every service goal.  We were #4 in the nation for overnight service and #3 in the nation on NPA. 


Tom Miller has designed a new program to capture missorted trays.  This will enhance MHTS and enhance service.  There is also a new Function 4 program that will save workhours, keep rates stable, and improve customer service.


Rosa asked Mr Rosenberg about placing supervisors in positions without the proper training.  He said this was discussed at the supervisors meeting and we do need more training.  Martin Brown said that classroom training is okay but we need someone to see if the supervisor is doing things correctly.  OJT is needed.  Rosa asked about the stations that deserve more supervisors but this has not been accomplished yet.  Mr Rosenberg advised that it may take until March to get to Phase 2 before jobs can be posted.  Some people may be displaced.  Jax City gained 2 relief supervisors not previously authorized.  He also advised that the ASP Program should be posted again.  He wants to start a 204B program to help prepare and train employees who may apply for the ASP Program.


Rosa relayed that it is hard to do your job in 8 hours.  Mr Rosenberg does think the job can be done in 8 hours.  Each unit differs.  He wants to provide tools so that all duties can be accomplished timely.


Mr Rosenberg advised the audience that you should not lie, cheat, or steal, and that he should be notified if it happens.


Door prize winners were Lillian, Rosa, Bill Randall, Ben, Steve, Roy, Jeanine, Angie and Bruce.


Mike Carraher won the 50/50 drawing for SPAC in the amount of $33.  Total collected was $65 and the remaining $32 will be sent to SPAC.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Kay Woods


Kay Woods





Rosa Soto convened the meeting at 7:30 pm at Steak & Ale Restaurant on Baymeadows Road.


Members present were Rosa Soto, Bruce Kurland, Kay Woods, Lillian Mason, Sue Rizzo, Joyce Hamilton, Bill Randall, Joyce Randall, Ben Strawn, Randall Castillo, Sam Jones, Mike Carraher, Martin Brown, Martin Filandro, Dawnette Tinsley, Angie Waddell, Greg Norman, Lorna Sanders, and Lasandra Crawford.


Kay Woods read the minutes from the September meeting.  Randall Castillo motioned to accept the minutes.  Martin Brown seconded the motion.


Martin Brown gave the treasurer’s report.  Beginning balance was $15,426.37 and ending balance was $18,779.40.  Randall Castillo motioned to accept the report; Lasandra Crawford seconded the motion.


Events for 2008 include the February training in Lake Mary FL, the Legislative Seminar March 30 – April 2 in Washington DC, the Florida State Convention which is a cruise, and the 100th Anniversary of NAPS National Convention in Louisville KY in September.


Rosa introduced Mr Nemec, District Manager.  Mr Nemec said that we had a good year and it’s important that we celebrate.  It is important to him that he meet all EAS employees and expects an open relationship.  He wants us to do the same with employees we supervise.  He wants there to be an open exchange of information, get everyone involved and ask for feedback.  We need to satisfy our customers and work on sick leave.  Ninety percent of employees want to do a good job.  Be fair to employees and listen and inform employees.  Ninety percent of the time we accomplish our mission; the other 10 percent takes our time.  He is happy that local supervisors have been promoted.  He didn’t bring a lot of new supervisors in when he transferred here; he believes in local promotions.  Mr Nemec will try to get a local DRT so that grievances do not have to be sent to Orlando.  He encouraged everyone to keep doing a good job and to be honorable in your daily jobs.


Sue asked Mr Nemec if there will be any new major programs.  He plans to sunset the PRIDE program and implement an All-Star Program.  Employees can nominate co-workers and a board will review the nominations.  There will be quarterly recognition.  Mary Alston was going to do this but she’s retiring so someone else will be responsible for this program.  He plans to reopen the MDO Program, and this will be a continuous program.  He plans to start the QWL team again in Jacksonville.


Rosa thanked Mr Nemec for attending our meeting.


The 50/50 drawing for SPAC was held.  Bruce Kurland won $52.50.


Randall Castillo, Bill Randall, Bruce Kurland, Angie Waddell, Sam Jones, Greg Norman, Rosa Soto, Mike Carraher, Joyce Randall, and Sue Rizzo won door prizes.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:25.


Respectfully submitted,


Kay Woods


Kay Woods 





Rosa Soto convened the meeting at 7:30 pm at Campeche Bay Restaurant.


Members present were Rosa Soto, Bruce Kurland, Kay Woods, Charlene Cook, Lillian Mason, Sue Rizzo, Bill Randall, Sam Jones, Gwen Smith-Cull, Marilyn Spaulding, Mike Carraher, Martin Brown, Martin Filandro, Jacques Thomas, Ginger Trisch, Joe Warren. Jr, Jeanine Allen, Steve Marcus, Dawnette Tinsley, Angie Waddell, Belinda Smith-Rogers, Robbin Whitehead, Cynthia Barton, and ? (unable to read signature).


Sue Rizzo briefed the members on the new eCareer process coming soon.  EAS employees will be able to apply for jobs online.  There is a toolkit on the PostalPeople page for eCareer.  This system will also be available on liteblue eventually.  Everything will be done electronically.  Highlights of the new system include:


Developing your profile and updating as needed. 

Searching for jobs by function or location.

No more KSA’s or 991’s.

Selecting official will view the applications received online. 

No more local commute distance. 

Relocation is up to the selecting official. 

One year service requirement eliminated.


Sue advised that we will have service talks as soon as more information is received.  Sue also talked about the eOPF program scheduled for March 2008.  Eventually you will be able to go online and view your OPF on liteblue.


Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning balance on May 2007 was $15,845.22 and ending balance as of today is $15,426.39.  Sam Jones motioned to accept the report; Joe Warren seconded the motion.


Bruce Kurland reported that DAS, OQS, and OS Analyst positions will be abolished.  This affects employees Nathaniel Wright, Emery Fuller, and Michelle Kollar in Jacksonville.   April 12, 2008, is the deadline for them to find new jobs.  Michelle Kollar plans to retire, but Emery Fuller and M Wright will have to find jobs.  The VERA window is October 23 thru December 4, 2007, and the VERA retirement will be effective December 31, 2007.


Concerning the plan to re-do the days off of supervisors at the Plant, Rosa, Sam, and Tim Ford met with Mr Drummer.  Supervisors have specific days off and hours but do not have job assignments.  Job assignments may change but not days off and hours.  No determination has been made yet.  Lots of things are being discussed with Mr Drummer.  Rosa advised that you should ask for training in writing if you are not trained in new operation.


Ted Keating, National NAPS President, says there will be no incentive on early retirement for CSRS employees.


Door prizes were won by JR Warren, Angie Waddell, Sue Rizzo, Ginger Trisch, Dawnette Tinsley, Mike Carraher, Charlene Cook, Bruce Kurland, Joyce Hamilton, and Jeanine Allen.


Martin Brown won the 50/50 drawing for SPAC in the amount of $50.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:30.


Respectfully submitted,


Kay Woods


Kay Woods 





Rosa Soto convened the meeting at 7:30 pm at the Campeche Bay Restaurant.


Members present were Carissa Flournoy, Gregory Wilson, Rosa Soto, Sam Jones, Joyce Hamilton, Kay Woods, Martin Brown, Lillian Mason, Charlene Cook, Bruce Kurland, Ben Strawn, Joe Warren, Marilyn Spaulding, Sue Rizzo, Claudia Tremble, and Dawnette Tinsley.


Kay introduced special guest Carol Grande, North Florida District EAP Counselor.  She provided information to the members regarding EAP referrals and the supervisor’s initial referral.  Supervisors can call 24 hours per day or send an email.  Carol cautioned that you should not use any confidential information that would identify the employee if you send an email.  She needs to know the work schedule of the employee as the first appointment can be on the clock, but subsequent sessions are off-the-clock.  Going to EAP is strictly voluntary and nothing goes into the personnel file.  Carol cannot verify that an employee came for his/her EAP appointment unless the employee gives written approval.  A supervisor can refer an employee many times.  EAP is not part of the disclosure process and no written referral forms exist.  EAP is free and confidential.  Union officials can also request referral.


Sue Rizzo gave a presentation on Postal People.  She advised that the personnel processes are migrating to a new system, Human Capital Enterprise System (HCES) on May 26, 2007.  No personnel actions can be effective that pay period.  WebCOINS will be the system to access for personnel information, and Sue plans to have training sessions on WebCOINS.  WebCOINS does not give salary information or addresses but does have job info.  You can request access thru eACCESS.  Applying for EAS positions will also change on May 26.  You will apply for EAS vacancies online – no more hard copy 991’s.  You will be able to search and apply for jobs on lite blue.  There will be no more jobs posted local commute only and the one-year lock-in for Postmasters will be eliminated unless relocations fees are involved.  The Postal Service has plans to convert to eOPF’s in January 2008, and employees will have access to their OPF on lite blue.


Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning balance was $16,012.99 and ending balance was $18,603.54.  Gerald Wilson motioned to accept the report; JR Warren seconded the motion.


Rosa reported that the Bi-State Convention is June 21-24 in Ft Lauderdale.  Those who have attended 4-5 meetings qualify to attend. 


Sam Jones and JR Warren gave a report on the legislative seminar they recently attended.  JR reported that Florida is leading in contributions for SPAC and thanked Joyce & Kay for their training and all they have done to support NAPS.  Speaking to the legislators is an eye-opening experience.  JR and Sam asked legislators for their support on the following issues:


(1)    Guaranteeing right to vote by mail in federal elections.  Voting by mail will get additional revenue for the USPS.  Oregon is the only sate that accepts voting by mail and the percentage of voters is greater.


(2)   Veterans Reassignment Protection Act – this bill would prohibit the USPS and all federal agencies from transferring veterans without the benefit of veteran’s preference or reduction-in-force rules.


(3)   Payment of health benefit premiums on pre-tax basis for federal retirees.


(4)    Social Security Fairness Act of 2007 – this bill would repeal the Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provision that reduces the social security pensions of some USPS employees.


Sam advised that you should email your Congressmen and let them know you support these bills.  The Congressmen read emails and will follow-up sooner.  They want to hear from us.


Bruce Kurland reported that JAX P&DC will change it’s recording of non-exempt and special exempt employees.  They will be hitting the clock for BT and ET.  Please contact James Drummer if you have any questions.  They are watching for supervisors coming in late and leaving early, and the OIG is taking action on supervisors.  JR advised that personal leave can be taken, and you must have 3971 on file.  There is no comp time.  Sam stated you must do your job and be on time.  It’s hard to defend you on clock rings.  Rosa advised she had 15 fact-findings as of March 29, all for Customer Service.


With all business concluded, the SPAC and door prize drawings were held.  Rosa Soto won $32.50 in the 50/50 drawing for SPAC.  Door prize winners were DD Tinsley, Ben Strawn, Bruce Kurland, Sue Rizzo, Carol Grande, Claudia Tremble, Charlene Cook, Lillian Mason, Kay Woods, and Rosa Soto.


Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.


Respectfully submitted,




Kay Woods 




Due to the absence of Rosa Soto, Randall Castillo convened the meeting at 7:30 pm at the Red Lobster Restaurant.


Members present were Martin Brown, Kay Peters, William Randall, Lillian Hope, Charlene Cook, Randall Castillo, Gregory Wilson, Bruce Kurland, Carolyn Ballou, Avis Davis, Sam Jones, Michael Jakob, Ben Strawn, Angie Waddell, Gwen Smith-Cull, Marilyn Spaulding, Sue Rizzo, Dawnette Tinsly, Donna Hawkins, Joyce Hamilton, and Claudia Tremble.


Kay Peters read the minutes.  Martin Brown motioned to accept the minutes; Sam Jones seconded the motion.


Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s report.  The beginning balance was $12,680.82 and the ending balance was $13,614.99.  Sam Jones motioned to accept the Treasurer’s report; Randall Castillo seconded the motion.


Randall reported that discipline is on the rise.  At each meeting, we urge everyone to do their job.  The OIG and Inspection Service are looking for misdeeds.  Refusal to do your job could get you removed.  Discipline is happening in the Plant and Stations. Don’t cheat, lie, steal, or alter clock rings.  Sam Jones reported that discipline is being issued as punitive, not corrective or progressive.  They are going for the jugular.  For example, a station manager was issued discipline because he didn’t issue discipline to an employee as directed.  If you are involved in an investigative memo or fact-finding, make sure you ask for representation.  Lillian Mason reported that managers are calling supervisors in for a meeting and not telling them it’s a fact finding. 


Bruce Kurland reported on happenings for the Jacksonville Plant who had the best numbers in years in Quarter I.  They are making workhours.  Managers will talk to supervisors and supervisors talk to employees.  Mr Nemec wants them to reward employees who excel.  Bruce also reported that Terry Wilson, SEA Vice President, and Pat Donahue, Vice President from Headquarters, visited Jacksonville due to the APPS Certification.  They visited every plant and took all to Steak & Ale.  Jacksonville is going to have visitors because of this.  Mississippi, Alabama, and Memphis are scheduling visits to see how we are operating.  There is a big retrofit occurring in the plant.  Offices are being moved, the supervisor’s break room is gone, and the medical unit may be moved to make room for machines.  They are trying to get a new break room for the supervisors.  Attendance in the plant is not doing well.  Management will take appropriate action.  Supervisors must hold quarterly attendance reviews.  On the plant side, no official breaks for supervisors.  Per Donahue letter, supervisors can be moved as long as the hours and days off remain the same.


Sam advised that the Bi-State Convention will be held in Ft Lauderdale this year on June 21-24.  Eligibility to attend is based on attendance at previous year branch meetings.  There will be a golf tournament and walk-a-thon for SPAC.


Randall reported that arrangements for the party didn’t work out and we may have a party later in the year.


There are two training sessions each year.  If you are interested in representing supervisors, please let Rosa know.


Concerning PFP ratings, Randall read a letter from headquarters on recourse.  You have 45 days to submit recourse because you didn’t have evaluation talk with manager.


Winner of the 50/50 drawing for SPAC was Bruce Kurland.  He won $50.


Door prize winners were Marilyn Spaulding, Randall, DD, Gwen Smith-Cull, Bill Randall, Ben, Carolyn Ballou, Kay, Lillian, and Sam.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm.


Respectfully submitted,




Kay Woods 


Rosa Soto convened the meeting at 7:30 pm at Steak & Ale Restaurant.


Members present were Bruce Kurland, Ben Strawn, Randall Castillo, Sam Jones, Kay Peters, Joyce Hamilton, Lillian Hope, Martin Brown, Rosa Soto, Sue Rizzo, Gwen Smith-Cull, Marilyn Spaulding, Stan Smith, Ginger Trisch, Joe Warren Jr, and Donna Hawkins.


Kay Peters read the minutes from the last meeting.  Sam Jones motioned to accept the minutes; Joyce Hamilton seconded the motion.


Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning balance was $14,805.58 and ending balance was $12,680.82.  Sam Jones motioned to accept the report; Joyce Hamilton seconded the motion.


First on the agenda was election of officers.  The following nominations were made:


§        Lillian Hope nominated Martin Brown for Treasurer. 

§        Joyce Hamilton nominated Kay Peters for Secretary. 

§        Sam Jones nominated Randall Castillo for Vice President. 

§        Gwendolyn Smith-Cull nominated Rosa Soto for President.


Sam Jones motioned to close the nominations and as there were no opposing members, the nominees are elected.  Joyce Hamilton seconded the motion.

Sam Jones reported that you should do your job because discipline is on a rapid rise including downgrades, removals, and suspensions.  Be sure to cross your t’s and dot your I’s.  Do whatever you are told to do, but document. 


A discussion followed concerning having to drive mail to the GMC and supervisors being told not to swipe badges.  Rosa advised that supervisors must not leave the post office until all carriers are back.  Make sure all clear, reports done, and do not falsify anything.  Ginger Trisch reported that there was no input this year for PFP and Rosa advised that you should put in comments that it was not discussed with you if that happens. 


Rosa reported that she has attended seven fact findings during the past month.  Do not be afraid to request fact-finding but get a rep to attend with you.  Rosa called all stations to get list of items to present to the Postmaster but no one told her about any concerns so there was no meeting.


Bruce Kurland said that supervisors are refusing to listen when told to follow guidelines.  Mr Nemec will take action if this happens.  Mr Nemec is also asking that a shirt and tie be worn for customer meetings.  Please dress in a professional manner.  If not adhered to, all managers will be in shirt and tie again.  Mr Nemec came into the GMC on a Sunday and saw a supervisor in a t-shirt and sweat pants. 


The OIG is investigating delayed mail; you must report this.  Rosa advised that the Inspection Service is going to offices checking for delayed political mail.  Make sure you document in the log.


Joyce Hamilton thanked Rosa for the good job she did for the past year.  


Randall Castillo was appointed to start work on the party for January-February timeframe.


Joyce advised the Legislative Seminar is in March in 2007. It is a great experience and a lot of work.  Legislation affects not only employees but retirees also.  If anyone new would like to go, please let Rosa know.  We are not sure at this time how many will go due to budget concerns.


Door prize winners were Rosa Soto, Donna Hawkins, Marilyn Spaulding, Randall Castillo, Sue Rizzo, Bruce Kurland, Martin Brown, Kay Peters, Lillian Hope, and Sam Jones.


Sam Jones won the 50/50 drawing for SPAC in the amount of $40.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.






Respectfully submitted,


Kay Peters


Kay Peters



Rosa Soto convened the meeting at 7:30 pm at Campeche Bay Restaurant.


Members present were Rosa Soto, Bruce Kurland, Kay Peters, Charlene Cook, Michael Jakob, Joyce Hamilton, Ben Strawn, Sam Jones, Charlie Richardson, Tim Ford, Brad Fralick, Gregory Wilson, Martin Brown, LaSandra Crawford, Angie Waddell, Dawnette Tinsley, Joe Warren, Pat Wilson, and Randall Castillo.


Kay Peters read the minutes from the last meeting.  Sam Jones motioned to accept the minutes; LaSandra Crawford seconded the motion.


Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning balance was $29,163.14 and ending balance was $11,930.58.  The membership is down so there are fewer dues.  We need to recruit more members.  Joe Warren motioned to accept the report; LaSandra Crawford seconded the motion.


Rosa welcomed Tim Ford, Southern Region Vice President.  Tim thanked us for our support at the National Convention.  He was re-elected as well as Jerry Sebastian, Southeast Vice President, and he sends his thanks also.  Tim briefed us on several subjects:


  • Pay Package:  USPS has given the National Officers the pay package proposal.  NAPS has already hired a consulting firm and lawyers to look at the proposal.  The next meeting between NAPS and the USPS is tomorrow.


  • New membership:  Tim does recruitment speeches and uses as an example the case of a retiree.  OPM overpaid her by $10,000.  Sciala & Associates was contacted by NAPS to represent her and resolved this issue thereby saving her $10,000.  This didn’t cost her anything.  This is an example of how NAPS helps and not just as an employee.


  • Resolutions at National Convention:  Several resolutions were approved to go forward to the USPS.  One of the issues was sick leave buyback.  USPS is looking at sick leave real hard, particularly in SEA.  Another resolution is to create a clerk or EAS job to do input which would free up supervisors to do their job.  NAPS is also asking for equipment, tools, staffing, and vehicles.


  • Inspector General’s Office in Central Florida is looking at computer use.  Do not do anything improper at work on your computer.


  • If you have someone telling you to do something that you do not think is correct, do it but document.  Do what you are supposed to do with employees.  If not trained in something, send an email saying you need training.


Tim then took questions from the attendees. 


Joe Warren asked about the rights of employees involved in the transition at Tradeport.  Tim said that if you agree with a reassignment, it is a voluntary assignment.  If you disagree with the assignment, it is an involuntary assignment.  Process used when moving employees must be consistent.  They can’t keep switching supervisors around, and if it happens, there is an appeal process in the ELM.  The business reason for switching supervisors must be specific and consistent.


If reporting times are changed, a PS Form 1723 must be done.  If intermittent, do 1723’s.  It is extra paperwork but worth the effort.  As a supervisor, you can do a 1723 for yourself if the Manager does not do it.  Contact NAPS if this happens.  If given a relief supervisor schedule and told to call the station to get reporting time, tell the manager that you need to know your schedule one week in advance.


Next discussion concerned supervisors working six days and supervisors being told to provide own 204B’s.  You should work thru the local NAPS Branch and set up consultative meetings.  Tim relayed that he, Sam, or Bruce could assist in setting up the meetings.


Tim reported that there are enough 204B hours in Plant and Customer Service in the USPS in the last year to fill 7,000 EAS vacancies.  ELM Chapter 650 states Managers have the responsibility to coach, guide, etc., their supervisors.  Tell Manager to show you where you coached, guided, etc.  If you do not sign Letter of Warning, it doesn’t count.


Tim is still detailed to Rick Lipsey’s job.  Rick will be attending audits.  As a supervisor, it is your responsibility to review attendance every pay period.  Be consistent with your employees – no buddy systems.  All leave entered in eRMS is transferred to TACS.  If enough people ask, we may be able to get a class for eRMS and TACS training.


Tim relayed that Jack Potter asked for a lunch meeting with Ted Keating.  Mr Potter asked Ted for the most important issue that needs attention.  Ted told him SWC’s.  There were several issues discussed that NAPS is working on with the USPS.  Mr Potter knew nothing about one of the issues.  They will be having another lunch meeting soon.


Joyce Hamilton thanked Tim for coming to the meeting and sharing this information with us.


Rosa is working on the rural route inspections.  She is there to watch but will give you suggestions.  She is there to improve your areas.  The routes in the new Oak Leaf Plantation are all HCR routes.  USPS wants to change rural routes to HCR’s.


Kay Peters won the 50/50 drawing for SPAC in the amount of $40.


Door prize winners were LaSandra Crawford, Randall Castillo, Michael Jakob, Joyce Hamilton, Kay Peters, Dawnette Tinsley, Tim Ford, Bruce Kurland, Ben Strawn, and Rosa Soto.


Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Kay Peters


Kay Peters






Rosa Soto convened the meeting at 7:30 pm at Campeche Bay Restaurant.


Members present were Rosa Soto, Gregory Wilson, Martin Brown, Kay Peters, Randall Castillo, Sammie Jones, Ben Strawn, Bruce Kurland, Lillian Hope, Charlene Cook, Joe Warren, Charles Breedlove, Valerie Tooley, Angie Waddell, Dawnette Tinsley, Pat McIntyre, and Avis Davis.


Kay Peters read the minutes from the last meeting.  Sam Jones motioned to accept the minutes, and Joe Warren seconded the motion.


Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning balance was $26,984.13 and ending balance was $29,063.14.  Randall Castillo motioned to accept the report; Sam Jones seconded the motion.


Randall reported on the President’s Meeting he attended for Rosa.  Ted Keating, National NAPS President, was at the training conducted on March 18 in Altamonte Springs.  He advised there would be pay talks in July.  Membership is down and extra effort is needed to get new members.  This creates stronger organization due to strength in numbers.


Martin advised those attending the State and National Conventions to make their reservations as soon as possible.  In 2007, the Bi-State Convention with Georgia will be held in Miami.


Bruce reported on the changes at the L&DC.  Abolished jobs include an EAS-22, two EAS-21’s, OSS, Logistics, and seven supervisors.  He also reported that Tradeport would be consolidated with the GMC before September.  Offices at the GMC are being moved to make room for this transition.    He also advised that the Tour 3 MDO, Robert Krawchak, resigned.


Rosa reported that the OIG’s are everywhere fighting for territory with the Inspection Service.  The OIG is pursuing employees who have suspended licenses.  If license is suspended, employees cannot drive on any federal property.  Lillian reported that the OIG is checking those who have automatic clock rings in TACS.  If you leave the building, leave a signed leave slip.  Leave slip is good for schedule change but Form 3189 should be used, same as craft.  For a revised schedule, use PS Form 1723.  If you supervise EAS employees, manager can be held responsible.  To check records, OIG or Inspection Service can go as far back as they want.

Rosa welcomed Valerie Tooley who works in Business Mail Entry.


Door prize winners were Avis, Rosa, Martin, Angie, Pat, Lillian, Charlene, Randall, Ben, and Sam.


Martin Brown won $40 in the 50/50 drawing for SPAC.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:15.


Respectfully submitted,


Kay Peters





March 8, 2006



The meeting was convened at 7:30 pm by Rosa Soto at Steak & Ale Restaurant on Baymeadows Road. 


Members present were Rosa Soto, Sue Rizzo, Bill Rizzo, Lillian Hope, Charlene Cook, Randall Castillo, Gregory Wilson, Bruce Kurland, Charles Richardson, Ben Strawn, Kay Peters, Joyce Hamilton, John Frieder, Pat McIntyre, Valerie Wimberly, Martin Brown, Danny Jowers, Carl Smith, Roger Williams, Tom Hopper, Lorna Sanders, Joe Warren Jr, John Bell, and Pamela Denson.


Rosa introduced Tim Ford, Southern Region Vice President.  Tim reported that Ted Keating, Louis Atkins, and John Aceves had consultative meetings with Postal headquarters.  They discussed the difficulties in customer service and there may be changes to help.  All jobs must be posted with hours/days off.  The only exception is ASP; however, universal ASP should have hours/ days off on posting.  Concerning legislative reform, changes are needed and have been a longtime coming.  Veterans’ rights will be discussed at the Legislative Seminar in April.  Tim advised that there is a training session next weekend in Orlando, and they will have a two-hour class on retirements at the training.   The state convention will be held in Orlando and the National Convention in Las Vegas.  Please advise Rosa if you have any ideas that need to go forward at the National Convention.  National officers will be elected at the National Convention.  Ted, Louis, and John are all running for re-election.  Jay Killackey is running against John Aceves.  John  was appointed to the position and also assumed Louis’ duties while Louis was recuperating from his heart attack.  Tim is running for re-election but believes he has competition.


On the customer service issue of managers or postmasters staying until the last carrier gets back, Tim talked to Bill Brown, SEA VP, who said no one has to work 12 hours per day and that schedules should be adjusted.  Focus is to get mail into P&D sooner.  Please do your job as honestly and correctly as possible.  Supervisors cannot be represented fairly when dishonesty is involved. 


Tim also advised that COLA is not coming back.  Pay consultations will start soon.  NAPS is not happy with the way they were treated last year.  They already have pay consultants and lawyers in the background.  Bruce asked if supervisors could be asked to work 6-7 days per week.  Tim advised that they can require you to work 6 but not 7 days. 


Pat McIntyre asked about staffing problems.  Tom Hopper advised that we are under withholding for maintenance and you cannot hire a casual for maintenance.  Staffing problems are due to Hurricane Katrina and some of those jobs are now being released.  Tim advised that Bill Brown is aware of problems of staffing shortage.  Mr Nemec advised that he had been made aware of the problem and told David Taylor to pay overtime as we do not want the machines down.  Pat McIntyre inquired if TE’s could be hired.  Tom Hopper advised that TE’s were eliminated with the end of contract year.  TE program is gone and we cannot hire TE’s.


Danny Jowers asked if there were any negotiations for sick leave buyback or incentives.  Tim advised that it has been brought up at every board meeting.   USPS says they cannot do anything about it as it would take an act of Congress to change the system.  This affects all government agencies.  Cannot get anything passed by Congress that would cost money.  Tim will let the board members know that it is being brought up locally.


Pat McIntyre stated that there’s lots of discipline in EAS.  Tim said that in his experience, discipline is warranted in most cases.  Joe Warren asked about a letter of concern.  Tim advised that this is not discipline; it’s not in the ELM.  Work together with management.  We all want to retire from the company.  Do your jobs to the best of your ability.


Bruce Kurland then introduced Mr Nemec, Acting Manager, P&D, in Jacksonville.  He stated that he was glad to be here.  He started as a mail handler and has held jobs as a management associate, Manager, Mail Processing; marketing; quality; and NAPS President.  In Baltimore, he was a Quality Specialist; Manager, Operations Support; and OIC/PM for 16 months.  In West Virgina, he was the Senior Plant Manger over five plants.  Jacksonville seems to have a fractured mail flow.  He feels like he has been here a year but it’s only been one month.  Workforce planning and complement are his two big issues.  He will try to use common sense and listen to people; be sure to ask questions.  He wants to do what’s right for the customers.  We have to provide service as efficiently as possible.  He asks supervisors what they like about their job.  Response is the challenge of getting through the day.  He would like to hear “execution of plant and easily understood.”  He asks lots of questions of supervisors and has been assessing the mail flow.  He would like to get first class mail under one roof, periodicals under one roof, and priority working on priority only.  He believes in training.  He’s trying to coordinate all processes and wants to streamline.  When he arrived in Jacksonville, there was seven-day delayed mail of one million pieces but no delays now except for 14,000 pieces.  Mr Nemec stated he wants to provide good service and it was a pleasure to be invited to the meeting. 


Door prize drawings were held and winners were Lillian Hope, Joe Warren, Roger Williams, Sue Rizzo, Pam Denson, Danny Jowers, Ben Strawn, Lorna Sanders, Pat McIntyre, and Bruce Kurland.


The winner of the 50/50 drawing for SPAC was Gregory Wilson.  He won $60 and $60 will be sent to SPAC. 


Martin announced there would be a drawing for a television at the State Convention.  Money raised will be sent to SPAC.  They only printed 1,000 tickets.  Our branch is selling 110 tickets.  Each ticket is $20.  Martin distributed tickets to the members to sell.


The next meeting will be held in May.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:30.


Respectfully submitted,


Kay Peters


Kay Peters






JANUARY 10, 2006


The meeting was convened at 7:30 pm by Rosa Soto at Campeche Bay Restaurant.  Rosa wished everyone a happy new year and welcomed Carl Smith of the L&DC to the meeting.


Members present were Rosa Soto, Sam Jones, Kay Peters, Charlene Cook, Joyce Hamilton, Lillian Hope, Charlie Richardson, Ben Strawn, Randall Castillo, Carl Smith, Mike Carraher, Martin Brown, John Bell, Pat McIntyre, Stan Smith, and Essie Miller.


Kay Peters read the minutes of the meeting on October 19, 2005.  Sam Jones motioned to accept the minutes; Joyce Hamilton seconded the motion.


Martin Brown gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Opening balance was $23,738.73 and the ending balance was $24,355.71.  Deposits are low.  Martin made a suggestion that we cut expenses by having only five meetings this year.  Sam Jones motioned to accept the Treasurer’s Report; Joyce Hamilton seconded the motion.


Rosa welcomed Charlie Richardson and congratulated him on his recent retirement.


Rosa reported that it has been a very stressful situation in Customer Service for managers and supervisors.  She received many calls from C/S managers concerning their goals.  The managers decided to fight and scheduled a meeting with the Officer-in-Charge about not accepting their goals.  Some were given a direct order to sign or else!  Sam Jones contacted NAPS headquarters and was told they should sign but put certain comments in their goals.  Others who called signed under protest or did not sign.  Sam reported that if supervisors/managers chose all easy goals that it would be sent back.  Manager must discuss every goal you choose and if not, then manager didn’t do his job.


Rosa advised that Joyce Hamilton and Kay Peters will go to the Legislative Seminar the first week of April.


The State Convention is June 22-25 in Orlando.  Be sure to submit your leave request early and if you do not receive an approval within 72 hours, ask your supervisor about your request.  Notify your supervisor/manager that you have to make reservations and tactfully advise that you will go to higher level if necessary.  The State Convention is being held at the Caribe Royale which is a few minutes from Disney World.  All rooms are suites.


Sam Jones reported that Florida State will be hosting a Training Seminar & President’s Conference in March.


Sam Jones advised that discipline will increase.  The numbers you need to make are difficult to attain.  Make sure you do your job and that you have a paper trail.


Rosa reported about a case of extreme theft that involved thousands of dollars.  The person did not have a representative, put foot in mouth, and case looks real bad.


Supervisors must sign for everything employees take as Christmas presents.  You must be careful.


Sam Jones reported that Ocala is joining our branch and he’s currently working with the Gainesville branch.  Ocala and Gainesville were not having meetings.  Sam will have responsibility for handling problems.


The 50/50 drawing for SPAC was held.  $70 was collected; winner was John Bell.  He won $35 and $35 will be sent to SPAC.


Door prizes were won by Sam Jones, Rosa Soto, Essie Miller, Mike Carraher, Randall Castillo, Charlie Richardson, Ben Strawn, Kay Peters, Carl Smith, and Stan Smith.


The next meeting will be held March 8.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:15.


Respectfully submitted,


Kay Peters


Kay Peters